
Binance CEO Urges U.S. Action to Secure Release of Detained Executive
Binance CEO Richard Teng is calling on U.S. authorities to intervene in the case of Tigran Gambaryan, a former U.S. federal agent and executive at the exchange, who has been detained in Nigeria for six months under deteriorating conditions. Teng emphasized that Gambaryan is suffering from severe pain, including a herniated disc that has left him unable to walk, yet the Nigerian government has denied him adequate medical care, including access to a wheelchair.

Despite court orders to release Gambaryan’s medical records and demands for humane treatment, Nigerian authorities have not complied. Teng also highlighted that Gambaryan was recently denied access to his U.S. consulate representative, further exacerbating his situation.

Binance CEO Richard Teng’s Plea for Assistance
In a statement released on August 27, Teng stressed the urgency of the situation, stating, “There is no need to imprison an innocent employee to answer for any allegations against Binance. We have resolved issues in countries around the world in a reasonable, collaborative, and amicable manner with governments. It is crucial that the U.S. government uses its influence to secure Gambaryan’s release on humanitarian grounds and to protest against Nigeria’s detention practices.”

Teng urged the U.S. administration to designate Gambaryan as one of its “unlawfully detained” citizens overseas, emphasizing the need for immediate action to ensure his well-being and fair treatment.

Legal Team’s Struggle to Provide Assistance
According to a press release from Gambaryan’s family, his legal team has been facing obstacles in visiting him in prison, with access being restricted from July 26 to August 14. They were only granted a brief five-minute visit on August 15, hindering their ability to adequately prepare him for trial, which goes against the Nigerian constitution.

The Gambaryan family expressed concern over the lack of access to legal counsel and the challenges they are facing in ensuring Gambaryan’s rights are upheld during his detention. The ongoing restrictions on visits and communication are further complicating the situation and raising alarms about the transparency of the legal process.

Arrest and Detainment of Tigran Gambaryan
Gambaryan, who holds American citizenship, was arrested along with his colleague, British-Kenyan Nadeem Anjarwalla, in February by Nigerian law enforcement. The arrests took place at an Abuja airport after authorities summoned Binance representatives to the capital city. Following their detention, all naira and peer-to-peer services on Binance in Nigeria were suspended.

Anjarwalla managed to flee the country in March using a concealed Kenyan passport, but reports later emerged that Nigerian security forces were able to track him down in Kenya and arrest him at the request of the Nigerian Bureau of Interpol. The circumstances surrounding their arrests raise questions about the nature of the allegations and the legal basis for their detention.

The Impact of Detention on Tigran Gambaryan
Gambaryan’s deteriorating health and the lack of access to proper medical care are causing serious concerns about his well-being. The denial of essential medical treatment and the restrictions on visits from his legal team are creating additional challenges for him during his detention.

His inability to walk due to a herniated disc underscores the urgent need for intervention to address his medical condition and ensure he receives the necessary care. The prolonged detention under harsh conditions is taking a toll on his physical and mental health, raising alarms about the potential long-term consequences of his imprisonment.

International Pressure to Secure Release
Teng’s call for U.S. intervention and international advocacy to secure Gambaryan’s release is gaining traction as concerns mount over his prolonged detention and deteriorating health. The need for swift action to address the humanitarian crisis facing Gambaryan is becoming increasingly urgent, with calls for transparency and accountability in the legal process.

The international community’s attention to Gambaryan’s case is crucial in highlighting the human rights violations and due process concerns associated with his detention. The collaboration between U.S. authorities and advocacy groups is essential in applying pressure on the Nigerian government to uphold its obligations under international law and ensure Gambaryan’s rights are respected.

The plight of Tigran Gambaryan, a detained Binance executive in Nigeria, has sparked calls for urgent action to secure his release and ensure his well-being. The lack of access to medical care, legal representation, and basic necessities is raising alarms about the conditions of his detention and the potential violations of his rights.

Binance CEO Richard Teng’s plea for U.S. intervention and international support underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate action to address the humanitarian crisis facing Gambaryan. The ongoing challenges faced by his legal team in providing assistance further highlight the obstacles to a fair and transparent legal process.

As the international community rallies behind Gambaryan’s case, the pressure on Nigerian authorities to release him and address the concerns raised by his detention is mounting. The collaborative efforts of advocacy groups, legal experts, and government officials are essential in ensuring that justice is served and that Gambaryan’s rights are upheld during this challenging time.