
Kampela, a pioneering hardware startup based in Kuopio, Finland, has achieved a groundbreaking milestone by securing funding through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) on the Polkadot network. This achievement marks the first instance of a hardware project being fully backed by a DAO within the Polkadot ecosystem, highlighting the potential of decentralized governance in supporting tangible technological innovations. By leveraging the power of community-driven funding, Kampela is paving the way for new possibilities in hardware development within the blockchain space.

The device developed by Kampela is designed to utilize NFC technology and operates without the need for wired charging or a battery, setting it apart as a secure and user-centric hardware wallet. The company’s innovative approach streamlines both the design and production processes within a single integrated platform, enabling the delivery of highly differentiated solutions to the market.

### Funding through Polkadot DAO

The funding for Kampela was secured through Polkadot Referenda #62, #370, and #886, totaling approximately 253,000 DOTs, equivalent to around $1 million USD at current DOT prices. This transparent and community-driven decision-making process showcases the effectiveness of decentralized funding mechanisms in supporting hardware innovation within the blockchain industry. By establishing a new model for backing hardware projects, Kampela is setting a precedent for future ventures seeking to leverage DAOs for financial support.

### Innovative Features of Kampela’s Hardware Wallet

One of the key features that sets Kampela’s hardware wallet apart is its battery-free operation, powered exclusively by NFC during active use. This unique approach not only enhances the device’s security but also eliminates the need for traditional charging methods, offering users a hassle-free experience. Additionally, the secure NFC-only connectivity of the wallet eliminates vulnerabilities associated with USB interfaces, providing an extra layer of protection for digital assets.

Kirill, the Co-Founder of Kampela and former CISO of Parity, emphasized the project’s commitment to openness and democracy, stating, “Kampela is one of the very few fully open hardware wallets on the market. You can access everything, including precise machining instructions for the casing, on our GitHub. The project’s funding through the Polkadot Treasury demonstrates the power of DAOs in the blockchain-enabled economy, enabling us to maintain uncompromisingly open, free, and democratic designs.”

### Security Measures and Design Innovations

Kampela’s hardware wallet incorporates several enhanced security measures to safeguard user assets. The device remains completely powered down when not in use, effectively deterring physical access or tampering attempts. Furthermore, its NFC-only communication protocol ensures secure data transmission, reducing the risk of unauthorized access compared to traditional USB interfaces. With six hardware revisions and 54 components in its design, Kampela represents a significant advancement in blockchain hardware innovation.

### Future Implications and Community Impact

The successful funding of Kampela through a DAO on the Polkadot network is expected to attract attention from various stakeholders in the blockchain community. Enthusiasts, hardware innovators, investors interested in decentralized funding models, and members of the Polkadot ecosystem are likely to take note of this milestone achievement. By demonstrating the potential of community-driven funding in advancing secure and user-centric devices, Kampela is contributing to the evolution of hardware development within decentralized systems.

In conclusion, Kampela’s innovative hardware wallet represents a significant step forward in the realm of blockchain technology. By combining cutting-edge security features with user-centric design principles, Kampela is reshaping the landscape of hardware innovation within the blockchain space. As the first fully DAO-funded hardware project in the Polkadot ecosystem, Kampela is setting a new standard for how decentralized funding and governance can drive the creation of groundbreaking products. For more information about Kampela and its innovative hardware wallet, interested readers can visit the company’s official website at or

About Kampela:
Kampela, a Finnish startup, is revolutionizing secure transaction management with its NFC-powered hardware device. Operating without Bluetooth, USB, or batteries, it features an e-ink display and open-source design. Backed by the Web3 Foundation and the Polkadot Treasury, Kampela offers a sustainable, secure solution for digital interactions in decentralized systems.

For media inquiries and further information, please contact Viktoria, CMO of Kampela, at [email protected]