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Madrid, March 21, 2024.-

The first drone that was launched in Spain with the purpose of being able to film with a panoramic view, saw the light of day in 2005. A project signed by the Rafols brothers and that, thanks to it, they managed to revolutionize aerial filming. After this first project, the leading company UMILES Group was formed in 2016, but not before dedicating itself for years to a period of training and work. Its purpose is clear: to merge new technologies with art to give rise to the best shows, counting on the largest provider of drone services. Covering different options among which rescue interventions also stand out.

UMILES has positioned itself as a pioneer company in different drone services. In 2005, the first drone was launched with the aim of being the protagonist in being able to film panoramic views from the air. From then on, this generated more interest, so it was taken to a larger level. Years later and with Carlos Poveda, the company UMILES Group was born, which from Spain also made the leap to Chile, thanks to its unstoppable growth.

The purpose of a company like this is to recognize that drones are not just gadgets but are emerging as fundamental tools that do great work. They provide innovative solutions in different sectors, so it is a way to transform work into something more exciting.

UMILES is in charge of several of these sectors. On the one hand, what is known as UMILES University offers a professional master’s degree in drones for all levels. A way to give life to the passion for flying. While other services worth highlighting are UMILES Drones Light Show with which they add a combination of lights, through technology, that becomes art.

Drones in the world of cinema and entertainment

One of the sectors that most requires the world of drones is cinema and entertainment in general. UMILES has been part, thanks to its team, of productions such as ‘La Casa de Papel’, ‘Elite’ and the daily program, ‘El Hormiguero’ with UMILES Skycam. Without forgetting its presence in the motor world such as Formula One or the motorcycle GP awards.

The advantages of using drones is that it reduces production costs. So, thanks to them, the use of both planes and helicopters in the different filming is restricted. The visual image achieved is much more accurate and clear, and can cover more complicated areas that the aforementioned means of transport could not. In order to achieve all possible shots, it is common for it to reach high speeds, which causes it to consume more battery. Although it can always be adapted to the needs of each one. Therefore, you have to check the types of filming and prices to fully enjoy it.

Be a drone pilot

Anyone who is interested in the world of drones can pilot one of them. UMILES offers you a series of courses for drone pilots. From initial to advanced courses, including photogrammetry, agriculture, telesurveillance or business courses. The specialties are varied and all of them allow you to enjoy zero noise pollution and without generating any type of waste. “The risk is minimal. Above all, maintaining a safe distance and not flying over people,” announces Ernesto Albacete, its commercial director. Without forgetting that at the same time they have their own factory, which means they can manufacture their own drones with the latest technologies on the market. All of them designed for surveillance services in companies, administrations or industrial estates.

A show for everyone in the world

Among the advantages, it can be highlighted that each of the shows featuring drones is intended for all people in the world, including the most sensitive. The drone shows are adapted for people with ASD. A way to replace fireworks with a combination of lights but without noise, being totally respectful for people sensitive to loud noises. In addition, it does not leave any type of waste, it is friendly to the environment.

UMILES makes each show totally different. Since they are in charge of studying the proposal, with you for a better result. The entire show is designed in 3D, making a demonstration so that you can see the ideas captured at all times. It is true that drones came to revolutionize all types of industries, although it is the world of cinema that demands them much more. Since both the amateur and professional levels have a great impact.

Although the world of entertainment in general stands out a lot, it is true that it continues to cover more ground. The world of music is another one that always gives a lot to talk about. It is one of the most followed and most successful shows, thanks to everything it covers. Live concerts become new experiences, as they unite the synchronization part between drones and music. It is the commercial manager of UMILES who is clearest: “You can hold celebrations or make brands and even advertisements. Designing the program can be done in about 10 minutes but if we are talking about an animation design, it can take a couple of weeks or maybe three.”

UMILES has taken its idea to different parts of the world, including Chile, Denmark, Portugal, Mexico and Indonesia. In all those corners they are committed to transforming the most basic into something completely opposite. To do this, they are responsible for using drones with the most innovative engineering down to the combination of lights to cover all types of solutions.

UMILES Group has not stopped growing, becoming the leader in unmanned aerial systems, working at a national and international level.

Emisor: UMILES Corporation, SL

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