There have been 63 detainees throughout Spain since February 6, the first day of agrarian mobilizations

The Ministry of the Interior has recognized “moments of tension and violent episodes” in the farmers’ protest this Friday with the unsuccessful attempt of the protesters to access the headquarters of the Cortes of Aragon and has justified that the agents of the National Police , some attacked with sticks, did not charge due to the “characteristics of the building”, since the tension occurred on an access bridge to the main door.

Sources from the department headed by Fernando Grande-Marlaska have indicated that this demonstration in Zaragoza was not reported and that the farmers tried “without success to access the headquarters of the Cortes of Aragon.”

“There have been moments of tension and violent episodes, aggravated because, given the characteristics of the building, the Police cannot resort to charges to dissolve the protesters,” these sources added.

Hundreds of farmers and ranchers have gathered in front of the main entrance of the La Aljafería Palace, where the Cortes of Aragón was holding a plenary session this Friday morning. They have blocked the access bridge to the main door and have had some confrontations with the Police Intervention Unit (UIP).

The Unified Police Union (SUP) has stressed that the bridge where the collision between officers and farmers occurred has several meters of drop and “a misfortune could have occurred.” This union has regretted the injuries caused to the police officers and has asked for “strong intervention orders.”

At least one protester has been transported by ambulance and dozens of farmers have pushed several national police, who have used their batons, towards the exit door. Firecrackers have been heard and objects, such as fruits, have been thrown at the main door of the palace.

Aside from what happened in Zaragoza, the Ministry of the Interior has reported a “quiet day with tractor units and occasional blockades of little impact.” In addition, he noted that they hope the weekend will be calm and plans to convene the Coordination Center (CECOR) next Monday, March 4, at 1:00 p.m.

In Catalonia, conversations with the Department of Agriculture yesterday have made it possible to demobilize the concentrations. The most conflictive points of the AP-7 and the N-II are already freed and will enter service this afternoon, while the blockades that still persist are being lifted, according to the Ministry.

The balance of the agrarian mobilizations from February 6, the first day of protests, until this Friday, March 1 until 1:00 p.m. leaves a total of 63 detainees throughout Spain, with 9,151 people identified and 3,254 administrative complaints processed.