The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation has once again assured this Friday that no trip is being prepared by the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, to Palestine and has denied that she has at any time spoken about it with the head of the department, José Manuel Albares.

In an interview in La Sexta, Díaz insisted that he continues to prepare for the trip and assured that Albares was aware of it, as well as informed him of a recent visit he made to Washington. “I would like, of course, for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help us with this trip, especially because it is a dangerous trip. Yes, I am going to travel to Palestine and I am going to do it because of the brutality, the barbarity that we are experiencing,” he said. riveted the also head of Labor.

However, Foreign Affairs sources consulted by Europa Press have stressed that “the vice president and the minister have never talked about this trip.” In this sense, they have once again reiterated, as was already done by the Ministry and also by the minister himself when Díaz’s plans were known, that this trip to Palestine is not being prepared.

“In the current circumstances, the preparation of a trip to Palestine is not comparable with a trip to Washington,” the sources have stressed, who have stressed that “the entire Government feels represented in the position on Palestine, expressed by the president and the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, in line with what Albares himself stated when asked about the matter.