Also claim the content of Koldo García’s corporate email in the Ministry since January 1, 2020


The judge of the National Court Ismael Moreno has required entities dependent on the Ministries of Transport and Interior for a copy of the emails of various officials at the time when mask contracts were awarded to the ‘Koldo plot’.

This is stated in an order dated February 19, which is part of the summary of the case and to which Europa Press has had access, in which the head of the Central Court of Instruction Number 2 orders that he be given “a copy of the content of all the corporate email mailboxes/folders”, as well as a copy with all the documentation they have on the contracts that are being investigated.

The entities linked to Transport about which the content of the emails claims are Puertos del Estado and Adif, which awarded mask contracts in March 2020 for around 20 million euros and 12.5 million, respectively, to Soluciones de Gestión, the company that is at the center of the plot.

Moreno also urges the Ministry of Transportation to provide him with a copy of what is contained in the corporate email or any other official account, from January 1, 2020 to the present day, of Koldo García, who was an advisor to the who was head of the department, José Luis Ábalos.

Regarding Adif, it requests the emails – between January 1 and September 1, 2020 – from its boss, Isabel Pardo de Vera; Martín José Navarro, current director of Human Resources; from Jesús Ángel Díaz, deputy director of Occupational Risk Prevention, and from Michaux Miranda, general director of People Management, on which it also requires those for the period between September 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024.

In addition, the judge requires Puertos del Estado to provide emails – between January 1, 2020 and July 1, 2020 – from Francisco Toledo, who was then its president; of Álvaro Sánchez Manzanares, who remains general secretary; of Aránzazu de Miguel, head of the Contracting Area, and of Belén Caballero, head of the Legal Department.

It should be remembered that, within the framework of the investigation, Civil Guard agents intervened in a call in which Koldo García allegedly spoke with Sánchez Manzanares. The exchange would have taken place on November 28, 2023.

In a letter that appears in the summary, the investigators assure that they are convinced that Koldo’s interlocutor was Sánchez Manzanares “for several reasons.” Firstly, because Ábalos’ former advisor “hoped that his interlocutor would be named president (it is understood that of Puertos del Estado) so the fact that his interlocutor was the current president of Puertos del Estado, Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, has remained discarded”.

Furthermore, the UCO agents add, Koldo’s interlocutor refers to the current president, “which would reinforce that he has not held and does not hold that position.” “Koldo’s interlocutor would feel satisfied if he continues in the same position, so apart from not occupying the position of president, he would have a position in that organization,” they add.

The Civil Guard “states that if it is confirmed that Koldo currently has a relationship with Sánchez Manzanares, it would be a milestone of interest for this investigation because he signed a document called ‘Declaration of end user’ in the award by Puertos del Estado to Management Solutions for an amount of 24.2 million euros”.

Regarding the Interior, the investigating judge requests a copy, from the General Subdirectorate of Planning and Management of Infrastructures and Media of the Secretariat of State for Security, of the emails – between January 1 and July 1, 2020 – – by Daniel Belmar, who was in charge of said subdirectorate.

Finally, the judge addresses the National Institute of Health Management (Ingesa), dependent on the Ministry of Health, to provide him with all the documentation he has on the award of several lots of the Framework Agreement 2020/070 for the supply of medical supplies that has not delivered before.