The Central Electoral Board has ordered the autonomous arbitration body of Galicia to open a sanctioning file against the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for the visit he made to the Navantia shipyard in Ferrol (A Coruña) in the middle of the pre-campaign for the Galician elections on February 18. .

That visit, carried out on January 24, had been denounced by the PP when it understood that it violated the prohibition of carrying out propaganda acts that applies to public powers from the moment an election is called until voting day itself. This is the same article of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) for which Pedro Sánchez himself or his former Spokesperson Minister, Isabel Rodríguez, among other public officials, were already fined.

But the Electoral Xunta of Galicia did not open a sanctioning file when it understood that “the safeguarding of transparency, objectivity and equality that must govern the elections” was already “sufficiently guaranteed” with a partial assessment of the PP complaint and with “the consequent declaration that the President of the Government incurred the prohibition established in article 50.2 of the LOREG, for not having respected the principle of political neutrality”.

After the appeal of the PP, the JEC understands that this official declaration of ‘guilt’ by Sánchez is not enough, but that the file must be opened by combining a series of special factors in this case, stating that Sánchez has already been sanctioned. twice for similar acts, fines endorsed by the Supreme Court.

“It must be taken into account that the person reported knows (or should know) the relevance of the duty of neutrality inherent to the very high authority he or she holds, neutrality that must be maintained especially during the electoral process,” the JEC reminds Sánchez. “Knowledge of this very basic rule must be presumed in a position as relevant as that of the President of the Government.”

Other factors that, in this case, justify the opening of the file are “the relevance” that Navantia has within the Galician maritime sector and “the great impact” of a visit by the President of the Government.

“This set of circumstances forms a framework that determines the need to initiate a sanctioning file to clarify the possible responsibility that may have been incurred,” he concludes. “Consequently, it is agreed to uphold the appeal and revoke the agreement of the Electoral Xunta.” of Galicia, which will proceed to initiate disciplinary proceedings”.

The JEC agreement is already final in the administrative process and can only be appealed before the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court within a period of two months from its notification.