It displeases those of Abascal that their objective is to “confront” the PP: “There is no politician happier with this situation than Mr. Sánchez”


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, assured this Wednesday that it is a “mistake” for Vox to run in the Galician elections on February 18 and has warned of the possibility of it happening like in the general elections on July 23, when The votes for Santiago Abascal’s party prevented the PP from winning seats in some provinces and gave the government to the left, “making political change in Spain impossible.”

In an interview on esRadio, which was reported by Europa Press, Feijóo indicated that Vox has no possibility of obtaining a seat because it needs, according to Galician law, “a 5% vote to have parliamentary representation.” According to him he added, in the past he remained at 2% of the votes and now the polls place him at the same percentage.

“Therefore, it is true that any vote in favor of Vox is a vote for the independence movement in Galicia to govern, for the Galician Nationalist Bloc to govern, which is the partner of Bildu and the partner of ERC,” he emphasized, adding that “each one has his own responsibility.”

For this reason, he has stressed that the presentation of Vox in Galicia is “a mistake” and has pointed out that, if “really” the intention is to “end the sanchismo and the independence movement”, “it makes no sense” for him to attend elections in Galicia. those who know that their votes “can facilitate the maintenance of that political approach.”

Feijóo has acknowledged that in the July general elections he proposed to Abascal that Vox not compete in some provinces where it was not going to win a seat but he was not “successful” in his approach, something that caused the PP to not obtain “seven seats that would have been those of the absolute majority”.

“I’m talking about La Rioja, I’m talking about Asturias, I’m talking about Burgos, Pontevedra, Girona, Lleida. Well, each one has their own responsibility and I believe that it has been a mistake, and it has been a historical mistake” , he added, to warn Vox that this “error” of participating in some provinces has been “paid for very clearly in the general elections.”

For all these reasons, Feijóo has reiterated that it makes no sense for Vox to present itself to the Galician elections in February. “Can an absolute majority harm the PP in Galicia? In my opinion, yes,” he acknowledged, warning that the distribution of remains in Lugo, Orense or Pontevedra could cause a drop of up to three seats and “puts the PP in a complicated situation.”

When asked if the PP would be willing to give in to this negotiation in other autonomies, such as Catalonia, where Vox is stronger, Feijóo said that “it is not giving up anything.” “I’m not going to ask Vox to give me a deputy,” he said, adding that what he can ask is that he not “take away a deputy” from the PP because he hasn’t had one in the past nor will he. to have now.

“I don’t understand very well some of the things that the members of Vox are doing,” he confessed, adding that this party has publicly stated that it “has broken off relations with the Popular Party” as reported by the media.

“I am certainly going to continue working and I believe that the first problem that Spain has is Pedro Sánchez and his partners and I am not going to waste a single minute on this,” stated the president of the ‘popular’.

Furthermore, he has criticized that Vox will focus its intervention on the reform of article 49 of the Constitution to “criticize” him and has wondered if that is the priority of Santiago Abascal’s party. “And after fierce criticism against the reform of the Constitution, the most surprising thing is that they abstain, they do not vote against. And it seems that the culprit of all this is Mr. Feijóo, who is the leader of the Popular Party and We are governing in some places together,” he exclaimed.

That said, he has reiterated that he is not going to waste “a minute” in “confronting” Vox because for him the priority is to defend the unity of Spain and the Constitution in the face of Pedro Sánchez’s pacts with the independentists. “Now, if Vox considers that confronting the PP gives it votes, well, man, the truth is that there is no politician happier with this situation than Mr. Sánchez,” he warned.