The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), through its Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) and Telefónica, with the collaboration of Nokia, have launched the first laboratory in Spain for the development and testing of use cases of holography based on 5G communications, including the 26 GHz millimeter band.

This initiative becomes “one of the main Spanish test beds for both private companies and public entities that wish to validate their applications based on the new generation of mobile telephony,” as reported by the academic institution in a statement.

The laboratory will have, among its equipment, advanced cameras that will allow the design and development of holographic immersive applications in different areas such as education and entertainment through volumetric capture.

In this sense, when the 5G network is deployed in the laboratory with all its elements in operation, tests related to the use cases of holographic applications can be carried out, such as, for example, streaming of holograms for teaching or entertainment or immersive video conferencing through hyperrealistic avatars.

The UPV will be the end user of the holographic laboratory in cases of uses related to education. To this end, the iTEAM-UPV institute is creating a research team in holographic technologies to explore the numerous possibilities of this innovative technology in the academic field and to design the holographic communications of the future.

“Thanks to this collaboration with Telefónica and Nokia we are setting up a reference laboratory for the definition and validation of these holographic communications of the future,” highlighted the person in charge of the laboratory, David Gómez Barquero, professor of the communications department and deputy director of research at the institute. iTEAM from the UPV.

Telefónica provides support for the operation of the 5G network in the 26 GHz band, as well as the design of network test plans in this band. It will also provide the design and development of immersive holography applications through three-dimensional (3D) volumetric capture in real time, cloud computing and edge computing in advanced 5G networks for the transmission of immersive content, optimization of capture, production and transmission of immersive content, as well as carrying out QoE (Quality of Experience) quality of experience tests, in addition to collaborating in demonstrations and pilots of immersive communications.

Meanwhile, Nokia will provide the equipment for the advanced 5G network, both the access network and support for configurations of advanced functionalities such as Network Slicing.

Specifically, the technologies that will be used in the laboratory for the development of use cases are 5G SA and NSA (5G Stand Alone and Non Stand Alone) in the 26 GHz band, which offers “high speeds, high capacity and low latency to provide the best 5G experience in intensive traffic areas, in addition to applying cloud technologies, edge computing, network slicing and holography,” the UPV has detailed.

For the launch of this laboratory, the activities of the iTEAM-UPV and Telefónica together with Nokia are aimed at optimizing the infrastructure and the benefits of both cloud and edge computing that are supported by the 26 GHz 5G SA with the objective to enable efficient high-capacity transmission and thus be able to carry out different network use cases and holographic applications with immersive content.

The launch of this laboratory is part of the ‘Advancing-5G-Immersive’ project of the UNICO I D 5G plan, financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and whose main objective is to reinforce research, development and innovation actions. between universities and technology companies in order to favor the consolidation of Spain as a leader in innovation projects with NextGenEU funds from the European Commission.