The Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, has accused the right of a “dirty war” through “persecution” and “personal targeting” with the aim of “overthrowing the Government” and has appealed for a “deep debate” in around “democratic regeneration.”

This was claimed during his speech at the Regional Committee of the Socialist Party of Navarra, which was held this Saturday at the Baluarte Auditorium in Pamplona with the presence of the general secretary of the PSN and president of Navarra, María Chivite, as well as Minister Elma. Saiz.

Cerdán has lamented the “unbreathable” atmosphere, especially in Madrid, where he has had to have an escort again, due to the “toxic climate and dirty war to which PP and Vox have dedicated themselves since we came to government” because “they do not respect the polls”. “We have the worst opposition in the history of this country, what happens in this legislature has nothing to do with what happened to other PSOE presidents,” he criticized.

He has lamented the “persecution” and “personal targeting” that has “exceeded the limits.” “It is not a polarization, there is a culprit who is the right of this country” with a “total war against us,” stated the socialist, recalling proclamations such as ‘Let Txapote vote for you’, “violent demonstrations”, “aggressions”, “a hanging doll – of Sánchez – that was being beaten” or the president of the Community of Madrid calling the President of the Government a ‘son of a bitch’ and then “making t-shirts and pins with the funny ‘I like fruit'”. We have to say enough is enough,” he claimed.

Santos Cerdán has criticized that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has denied in an interview that he “has insulted” Sánchez and has recalled that he called him a “despot, caudillo, egomaniac, felon, sectarian or corrupt.” “The worst thing is that they transfer that hatred to public life and there are people who buy it and transfer that hatred to us when they see us,” he lamented.

All as a consequence of “a perfectly orchestrated disinformation strategy aimed at personal destruction with the aim of bringing down a Government at any price,” he rejected.

The Secretary of Organization of the PSOE has warned of the “cycle of hoax, with remote-controlled lies that reach some media outlet or paid website, amplified with total impunity, which end up in gatherings and, sometimes, in parliamentary headquarters” or ” judicialized”. In this regard, he recalled the “patriotic police, false reports and evidence, giving rise to causes that later come to nothing” at the hands of “extreme right-wing organizations such as Clean Hands or Hazte Oír.” He has also referred to Villarejo’s audios in which he stated that they “control” Clean Hands and there was talk of “killing” Pedro Sánchez. “Everything happened through M. Rajoy and these are the ways that Feióo and the PP have,” he assured.

The socialist has also criticized the “anti-memory laws” of PP and Vox that “equate victims with executioners, dictatorship with democracy.” “The setback of this reactionary coalition is real, even violating human rights,” warned Cerdán, who insisted that “we cannot wait any longer, we must open a collective debate” around “democratic regeneration.” “We have to put our foot on the wall,” he defended.

He has drawn attention to a “perfectly organized modus operandi that generates citizen disaffection and perverts democracy.” “When the discrepancy abandons the debate and goes into the mud, we all lose, they try to overthrow a Government with a dirty war,” she reproached. “Politics cannot become a human meat grinder, which is what the political, media and economic right have dedicated themselves to since we returned to the Government,” he highlighted.

Santos Cerdán has highlighted that Pedro Sánchez “has said enough to that mud machine” and has called for a “deep and serene debate” that has to do with “misinformation, the kidnapping of the CGPJ and the use of justice to eliminate the political adversary.” Also with “clean politics and strengthening democracy.” “It is a job that must be started, not stopped and will last a long time” and that needs “all citizens,” he stressed. Likewise, he has highlighted that it is “time for rearmament, to make the party strong” because “without a strong party, we will leave the Government.”