The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, called this Saturday for the resignation or dismissal of the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, for his statements about the president of Argentina, Javier Milei.

“Today Mr. Puente should resign or be fired, but he is neither going to resign nor be fired, because Puente and Sánchez enjoy the quagmire in which they are trying to put Spain,” he declared at a rally in Badalona (Barcelona) alongside the candidate, Alejandro Fernández, and the mayor, Xavier García Albiol.

Feijóo has warned that “they have just created a political crisis with a sister country such as the Republic of Argentina.”

Puente said on Friday at a colloquium on communication and social networks in Salamanca: “I saw Milei on TV and I said, as I was listening to him, I don’t know in what state, prior to ingesting or after ingesting what substances, and He came out to say that and I said: it is impossible for him to win the elections, he dug his grave.

Feijóo has criticized the Government of Pedro Sánchez, who asks “that they not be insulted and they insult everyone”, but in his opinion they do it because they try to break and divide.

“They say they are fed up with hoaxes and they are a hoax factory; they talk about mud when they really move like no one else in the quagmire,” he added.

For him, it is “unfortunate that relations with a president are tense in this way” and he has defended that Spain deserves, literally, another level.

During this central act of the Catalan campaign, Feijóo has claimed that “the PP does not overact like Sánchez, but only acts”.

“The Popular Party does not sell its voters like Illa nor does it sell its country like Sánchez,” he added.

Likewise, he has assured that in Sánchez’s idea of ​​democracy there is only docility and no place for accountability: “No one is safe from the purge.”