Guijarro has already transferred it to the Toro de Lidia Foundation

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, announced this Friday that the Autonomous Community intends to contact the bullfighting sector to create Bullfighting Awards from the region.

This was indicated on his ‘X’ social network account, where he added that these awards “also have the ambition of being able to be coordinated or shared with other autonomies, since we intend for them to have national and international scope.”

García-Page’s announcement comes after the Ministry of Culture has made the decision to suppress the National Bullfighting Award.

The Ministry argues that the National Awards should be “a faithful reflection of the values ​​and feelings of society”, such as increased concern for animal welfare.

As reported by the regional government in a press release, the first vice president of the Castilian-Manchego Executive, José Luis Martínez Guijarro, has indicated that this morning he spoke with the Fighting Bull Foundation “to organize the bases of this award that does not “We intend for it to be exclusive to our Autonomous Community, but we are willing to coordinate it and share it with other institutions.”

In this sense, Martínez Guijarro has stressed that the regional government considers it “justice that the value of people in the bullfighting sector can be recognized” and, precisely, that is where the regional president’s initiative comes from and he has assured that, The regional Executive does not share the decision of the Minister of Culture, which he has called an “unnecessary attack” on the bullfighting sector.

In response to questions from the media, he recalled that bullfighting is a tradition deeply rooted in the vast majority of the municipalities of Castilla-La Mancha with the consequent weight it represents on the region’s economy.

That is why, he stressed, “we respect our traditions and support all our economic sectors” and an example of this is that this year, on Regional Day, which is celebrated on May 31, the recognition is to the Toro de Lidia Foundation.