The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), through the Valencian Institute for Research in Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN), leads ‘Enactest’, a European project that aims to “contribute, from the educational field, to guarantee the final quality of computer programs that come to market.” It will do so through “innovative training capsules” with content such as video games, online and analog games.

As Tanja Vos, project leader and researcher at the VRAIN UPV Institute, explains, “our life, in any of its spheres, is increasingly digitized and is more dependent on a large amount of all kinds of software, hence the importance of guarantee their proper functioning, test them before they go on the market”.

“However, today it is not done correctly and this is a problem that can have serious consequences and that has to be tackled from the root, which is none other than improving the training of the computer professional of the future. We are not teaching well how to test software and this project wants to contribute to changing this reality”, considers Tanja Vos.

To do this, ‘Enactest’ will develop over the next three years complete training “capsules” that will include everything from video games, analog games –for example, cards– to new content and didactic tools.

“With them we want to contribute to improving the training of students who are going to reach the industry, both university and professional training. They will be capsules fully adapted to the learning needs and cognitive model of the students and to what the industry requires. And they will be very easy to integrate into the subjects, without having to modify their curricular content”, adds Beatriz Marín, a researcher at the VRAIN UPV Institute.

According to the UPV researchers, the strategy proposed by the project is very novel, “and we believe that it will make a decisive contribution to solving a problem that the industry cannot continue to afford; when software reaches the market it must do so without failures and to This requires that those who are in the classroom today acquire the necessary knowledge to know how to assess it correctly. We will achieve this with the Enactest capsules”.

Together with the UPV, eight other European partners are participating in the project: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, the Universidade do Porto, Rise Researchs Institutes of Sweden, KU Leuven, the companies Nexo Qa and CTG, the Cesur professional training center and the Portuguese consultancy Inova.

Funded by the Erasmus program of the European Union, Enactest started in September 2022 and will conclude in August 2025.