Charge against Sánchez for agreeing with Bildu: “How expensive is their pacts to remain in Moncloa going to be for the victims of terrorism”


The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) has reproached the Government this Saturday, on the occasion of the nineteenth anniversary of 11M, that the condition of victim of terrorism does not prescribe, since as of next March 2024 it will not be possible to initiate new investigations judicial proceedings to resolve the unknowns pending from that March 11, 2004.

“Don’t abandon us”, asked the president of the AVT, Maite Araluce, at the commemoration of the European Day for the Victims of Terrorism held in the Forest of Remembrance in the Retiro Park, where 193 white balloons were launched into the sky , one for each victim.

In this sense, Araluce has also stressed that “the end of terrorism can never be synonymous with impunity”, since it considers that the victims deserve “effective justice”.

Specifically, the AVT has attacked the Government for the transfer of 204 prisoners to the Basque Country and Navarra, some displacements that “are not carried out in compliance with the penitentiary law”.

From the association they have also stated that in terms of jihadist terrorism, “there are pending accounts that remain unsettled”, since they point out that Spain, to date, “still does not have a protocol”.

“And who are the good ones? Who killed and who put the dead? Many brand us as being polarized and of being from one party or another, but I would like to say to all of them that we are only victims,” ??Araluce has sentenced.

The attendees observed a minute of silence after the statements by the Honorary President of the AVT and mother of one of the 193 victims of 11M, Ángeles Pedraza, who has directly attacked the President of the Government: “Mr. Sánchez, how dear we the victims of terrorism are going to leave their pacts to ensure their permanence in Moncloa”.

Pedraza stressed that on this day “it is more necessary than ever to vindicate the need for a strong political leadership”, both at a national and European level, that is positioned “strongly in the face of terrorism and that it adopt measures to combat it”.

Additionally, the honorary president of the AVT has charged against the head of the Ministry of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, assuring that he is the “worst minister” and that “if he is not going to continue in politics, he can leave.”

“Do you know how many 11M terrorists are still in jail?” asked Pedraza, who pointed out that there are four, one will be released in August, and “the rest, the other 13, are already free and nobody has said anything.”

The act was also attended by representatives of the Popular Party and Citizens. Specifically, the president of PP, Alberto Núnez Feijóo, was accompanied by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida.

On behalf of CS, the national spokeswoman of CS, Patricia Guasp, attended, together with the vice mayor of Madrid, Begoña Villacís.

The Government delegate in Madrid, Mercedes González, among other authorities, also attended.