The general secretary of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, upon his arrival in Ferraz to participate in the Federal Committee of the PSOE, has addressed the media to restate his position regarding a hypothetical amnesty for those convicted of the ‘ procés’ in Catalonia, rejecting it outright and emphasizing that although it could fit in the Constitution, it is an extreme that “does not fit with the values ??of the PSOE.”

García-Page arrived accompanied by the provincial general secretaries of the PSOE in the region, in addition to the deputy for Toledo and ‘number two’ of the party, Sergio Gutiérrez, and senator Carmen Torralba.

As he said, he comes to this meeting to “give his opinion and try to be consistent” with his own positions, since when one has a position he has to explain it in this party body.

“We live in a regime of public opinion. It is also explained outside because it is how we usually talk. I try to say the same thing outside as inside, and I logically assume what the majorities decide. That is what the democracy of the country and of the political parties themselves consists of” , has said

In any case, he has said that decisions “are not measured by weight or interventions, not even votes, many times because politics really changes, it is very circular.” Therefore, what “today seems very good, tomorrow may seem the opposite”; and what today are applause “may seem like whistles tomorrow.”

In another vein, he has said that, although he does not know how Pedro Sánchez will refer to a hypothetical amnesty, he does reject it, with “legal and moral reasoning” in the face of the proposal put forward by the independentistas.

“For me, when it is said that what we are going to do as socialists is within the Constitution, someone may think that that is wonderful, but that is obvious, that is obvious,” he added.

He also points out that the limits are not only the Constitution, a document where “Vox also fits, and precisely in the general elections it was voted not to leave.” And all this because “there are many things that fit into the Constitution that do not match the ideals, the values, the underlying principles of the PSOE.” With this premise, he assures that his limit is “in the Constitution”, but also in the “project” of the PSOE, in its values ??and in its “coherence.”

(There will be an extension)