The President of the European Commission applauds the creation of the Center for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression in The Hague


The President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, celebrated this Saturday the agreement to be signed in Ukraine which will certify the creation of the so-called Center for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression in The Hague, for the investigation and collection of evidence of crimes committed by Russian forces in the invasion of Ukraine.

“It is known that the Russian forces have committed torture, ill-treatment, sexual violence and summary executions. Not even children are spared,” Von der Leyen said in a speech broadcast this Saturday on his social networks on the occasion of the International Conference on Justice that is being held in the Ukrainian city of Lviv.

“Russia must be held accountable for these horrible crimes,” asked Von der Leyen, who has reiterated the support of the European Union for the possibility of a special international court dedicated to Russian crimes.

In this sense, Von der Leyen has declared the agreement to establish this research center as “a first step” with a view to the creation of this court. This center will be part of the Joint Investigation Group in charge of Eurojust, the justice agency of the European Union.

This center has been conceived as a system of assistance to the International Criminal Court, which is unable to investigate the crime of aggression in the case of Ukraine since Russia does not recognize the court.

This crime, it should be remembered, is especially defined by the responsibility of the person who commits it, by “effectively controlling or directing the political or military action of a State.” In this case, thus, the main target is the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and the main officials of his government and military leadership.

“The European Union will continue to work, with our partners, to ensure that Russia pays” for these crimes, Von der Leyen concluded.