NATO allies have denounced this Friday Russia’s non-compliance with the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), asking Moscow to comply with the obligations contracted in this pact that the United States and Russia extended in 2021 for a period of five years.

In a joint statement, the 30 members of the Atlantic Alliance say that effective arms control is “an essential contribution” to their security objectives and insist that the treaty remains in the national security interest of the international community.

However, the allies regret, “non-compliance by Russia undermines the viability of the New START.” “We call on Russia to fulfill its obligations under the treaty by facilitating inspections on Russian territory and re-engaging in the treaty implementation body,” they stress.

According to the military organization’s complaint, Russia violates the agreement by blocking the monitoring commission of the treaty and with its refusal to allow US inspections in Russian territory. In this way, they prevent Washington from exercising its rights under the pact and undermine the United States’ ability to verify compliance with the limits set by the New START, the allies have affirmed.

This statement follows complaints from the US State Department, which this week accused Russia of breaching New START by refusing to allow inspectors on its territories and hindering Washington’s efforts to address the issue.

In 2020, the inspections had to be halted due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, when the conditions were met again to resume said activity, Russia has refused since August last year to resume such visits, in part, due to tensions. between the two powers over the war in Ukraine.

This treaty between the United States and Russia seeks to limit the deployment of intercontinental nuclear weapons by both parties, allowing frequent checks of each country’s programs by the other. The agreement allows Washington and Moscow to deploy up to 700 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 1,550 nuclear warheads on those missiles.