Indigenous groups in Ecuador have accused the government of President Guillermo Lasso of failing to comply with 90 percent of the agreements reached at the dialogue tables that concluded last October after the protests that paralyzed the country in the summer.

The leader of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), Leonidas Iza, has reported that the Ecuadorian Executive has only complied with 10 percent of the 218 agreements that three social organizations signed with the Government, reported ‘El Comercio’ .

For this reason, the indigenistas have called on Ecuadorians to vote ‘No’ in the referendum that will take place this Sunday and in which eight initiatives that would emanate from the negotiations held at the dialogue tables are voted on.

“Say no to Lasso’s consultation. Ecuadorian brother, do not fall into the trap, the Government is not looking for solutions for the country. The consultation will only give oxygen to the bad government,” Conaie stressed in a message on the social network Twitter .

Among the questions that will be consulted in the popular consultation, it will be asked if the population agrees with the participation of the Armed Forces in the fight against organized crime, the extradition of Ecuadorians who have committed crimes related to organized crime or on the creation of a Fiscal Council that evaluates and even sanctions the members of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Likewise, the consultation will evaluate the possibility of reducing the number of assembly members, requiring a minimum number of affiliates to political groups and limiting the capacities of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control to designate authorities.

Finally, in the section related to environmental protection, the referendum will evaluate the possibility of incorporating a water protection system into the National System of Protected Areas; as well as the benefit of compensation to people and communities for their support in environmental services.