The former deputy of the PSOE in Congress, Odón Elorza, has charged harshly against the King of Morocco Mohamed VI, whom he has branded as a “satrap” and once again offending Spain for his attitude during the High Level Meeting that has been held this week in Rabat.

The Moroccan king has not met with the President of the Government, as is usual in these summits, since he was not even in the country during these two days.

“The attitude of the satrap king of Morocco is another offense against Spain, this time on the occasion of the summit” between the two neighboring countries, Elorza wrote in a message on Twitter, collected by Europa Press.

“What else do you want!”, he added, referring to Spain’s change of position regarding Western Sahara, which since last April has supported the solution proposed by Morocco to this conflict, although without expressly mentioning it.

This same week, Odón Elorza handed in his minutes as a deputy in Congress, after a decade as a socialist parliamentarian, considering that his ideas are no longer “useful” for the party and that it is better to step aside to avoid “disagreements.”

Mohamed VI did not finally receive Sánchez, during his visit to Rabat for the bilateral summit, but instead summoned him for an upcoming official visit.

The head of the Executive had a telephone conversation with the Alaouite monarch this Wednesday, before heading to Rabat during which he accepted his invitation to “make an official visit soon” to the Moroccan capital.