The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, has questioned this Monday the role of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the political crisis that has ended up hitting Brazilian democracy with the Bolsonaro assault on the Plaza de los Tres Poderes by asserting that he “has lost his way”.

“The strategy of the Latin American extreme right does not go through democracy. It promotes trials without the existence of a crime to eliminate leaders, parliamentary coups against elected leaders and violent coups with hundreds of deaths,” Petro wrote on Twitter.

Petro’s criticisms of the OAS are similar to those expressed by other leaders in the region at other times when the role of this organization was questioned, as well as that of its secretary general, Luis Almagro, such as in the political crisis of Bolivia of 2019.

Petro has also called for a review of the American Convention on Human Rights in order to be strengthened to counteract this type of episodes such as those that are taking place in Brazil.

“It must be empowered and extended to the rights of women, the environment and collectives. This treaty must acquire more judicial instruments of democratic action,” he expressed in the aforementioned social network.

Lastly, Petro recalled the “bloody” record of “Latin American fascism” on the continent, responsible for “military coups, millions of exiles and tens of thousands of disappeared”, for which he has proposed “a great pact for democracy in the Americas with courts and capacity to act”.

Thousands of followers of the former president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro have stormed this Sunday the headquarters of the National Congress, the Planalto Palace and the Supreme Court in Brasilia, after several months of mobilizations and violent protests due to their discontent with the victory at the polls of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

As a consequence of these attacks, President Lula has decreed the federal intervention of Brasilia to assume security powers, stressing that the “fascist vandals” who caused the chaos will be “persecuted” and “punished.”