He assures that the country “does not deserve a government that is making up the unemployment lists because it does not like the data”

The general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, has assured that the Government “is installed in a double strategy, of tension and confusion” and has stressed that “it is not in what worries the Spanish, but in the ideology and its internal wars”. “The increasingly powerful sanchismo has turned Spain into a pressure cooker and the citizens do not deserve this mistreatment,” he said.

In statements to journalists this Thursday during his visit to a factory in Antequera (Málaga), Bendodo explained that there is an “escalation” of tension, pointing to “the insults of the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, the result of which she is imprisoned of a nervous breakdown”; and also of confusion “because today’s scandal falls short of tomorrow’s and the one of the past will be worse.”

But he has warned that “the Government is wrong because we Spaniards are not stupid and we take note of everything, to eliminate sedition; to agree with the coup plotters; to pardon them; to reduce embezzlement; of the botch of ‘Only yes is yes’ ; of appointing the Minister of Justice who pardoned a member of the Constitutional Court; of the Minister of the Interior lying; the Minister of Equality insulting”. “All this scandal surpassed every day by a superior one is not forgotten by the Spanish,” she said.

Bendodo has criticized that the Executive “has changed priorities, it is in what does not concern the Spaniards but in annoying the lives of citizens, which makes many companies see that their costs increase and profits and employment are harmed” , recalling that “the CPI for basic products and energy continues to rise”.

“The Government is involved in other things, in ideology, in fighting with its Podemos partners, in screwing up, in not rectifying, insulting and, while electricity, energy, prices in general and mortgages go up, which is what worries the Spanish”, he insisted.

Likewise, he has considered that “Spain does not deserve a government that is making up the unemployment lists because it does not like the data.” In this regard, he explained that “in October they told us that we had broken a record of unemployment drops, but the reality that we have known is that there are almost 140,000 more unemployed, including the discontinuous permanent ones that the Government has erased from the lists with a stroke of the pen to that they do not spoil the statistics for Pedro Sánchez”.

“If the CIS gives you data that you don’t like, it puts Tezanos on; if the INE offers data that bothers you, it removes the director; if the unemployment data is unfavorable, it makes up for it,” he assured, pointing out that “if Sánchez doesn’t likes the photo, fires the photographer instead of accepting reality and taking action”.

Nor do the Spanish deserve, he said, “a government that has caused our country to be the last in the European Union to recover the economic growth prior to COVID” and he has reiterated that this is happening “because the rest is in what is important and this is on ideological issues and in the government’s wars with other members of the government”.

Likewise, Bendodo has affirmed that Spain “does not deserve a government that fry taxes on citizens at a delicate economic moment, tripling the increase with respect to OECD countries, while continuing to collect handfuls.”

Likewise, he has referred to what happened at the Melilla fence and has considered that “Spain does not deserve to have a minister of the Interior who has lied and who repeats the lie”, for which he has indicated that Fernando Grande-Marlaska “has to leave” or be fired by Sánchez. He has pointed out that “any minister, mayor or president of an autonomous community can be wrong, because we are people, but what we cannot do is lie”.

“If one lies and repeats the lie, he has to leave and the minister has lied and has repeated the lie and has to leave, he has no other margin left. If he does not resign, the President of the Government has to dismiss him,” he said. .

In addition, the ‘popular’ leader has asserted that the Spanish “do not deserve a government in which there are ministers who oppose it every day and insult other ministers” or that “is entrenched to maintain at all costs a law that cheapens the convictions of rapists”, pointing out that “the fault lies with Sánchez who approved the law and has not yet fired the minister and is responsible for this botch job”.

“Spain does not deserve a government that tailors a suit for the coup plotters and the corrupt by abolishing the crime of sedition and making the crime of embezzlement cheaper,” said Bendodo, who added that it does not deserve an Executive either “that appoints members of the TC to the minister who pardoned the coup plotters for violating the Constitution”.