The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, thanked this Thursday for the support that up to ten parties have given to the General State Budget for 2023, whose approval he has interpreted as “a victory of understanding between disparate and distant” in favor of the “general interest ” and some accounts that will “provide political stability” in these times of “uncertainty”.

In statements in the courtyard of Congress, the head of the Executive has welcomed the approval in the Lower House of the budget project, which will now continue its processing in the Senate, and has stressed that they are the result of a “noble political victory” that did not goes “against nobody”.

“It is the victory of understanding at a time as complex as the one that is being experienced in the world, in Europe and in Spain, a moment of extraordinary uncertainty”, he stressed, before thanking the 10 parties that have endorsed the accounts, “putting the general interest before any legitimate private interest”.

In addition, he has highlighted that the formations that have contributed to that victory –PSOE, UP, ERC, PNV, Bildu, Más País-Equo, Compromís, PDeCAT, Coalición Canaria and the Partido Regionalista de Cantabria–represent “nothing more and nothing less than twelve million people”.

He then stressed that these are “very important” Budgets for the country because “they protect the social majority, especially the most vulnerable” and that they will allow “one more year to channel European funds to modernize the economy, consolidate economic recovery, growth and job creation”.

“And finally,” he added, “something very important is a vote that guarantees the necessary political stability for our country when it comes to facing all these challenges with guarantees.” In this context, he has vindicated “useful politics” which, in his opinion, is “more necessary than ever” in times like the present.