Ander Gil claims that the Constitution must be complied with “from beginning to end”, without excuses


Judges for Democracy (JJpD) has transferred this Thursday to the president of the Senate, Ander Gil, his “concern” about the non-renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), an opinion that Gil has shared, who has also regretted the “blockade” with which the “normal functioning” of the governing body of the judges is being prevented and has indicated that it will continue to insist on the parties so that they comply with their obligation.

The judicial association has met with Gil in the Senate to ask him, as he already did with his counterpart in the Congress of Deputies, Meritxell Batet, that the Upper House take the initiative to renew the CGPJ, which next week will celebrate its fourth anniversary mandate expired due to lack of agreement between the parties to renew it.

Gil has told them that he is also concerned about the “blockage” to the renewal of the Council, as communicated by the president of the Senate at the end of the meeting in a message on Twitter.

Through the social network, the president of the Senate has indicated that the Constitution must be complied with “from beginning to end, without shortcuts or pretexts.” “The normal functioning of one of the highest state institutions is being prevented,” he indicated.

At the meeting, JJpD has put on the table the “advisability” of transferring the negotiation scenario to both chambers to “try to overcome the current situation of paralysis”, according to Edmundo Rodríguez, member of the association’s secretariat. of judges, in statements to Europa Press in the Senate.

Rodríguez has indicated that this situation “cannot be prolonged any longer” because “it is unbearable for the Judiciary and for the Administration of Justice”, given that it is affecting, among other things, the formation of courts such as the Supreme Court, which has “numerous vacancies” to be filled due to the impossibility of the CGPJ making discretionary appointments while it is in office.

For JJpD, the situation that the CGPJ is going through not only has a reputational cost for the Council itself, but also directly affects citizens.

Accompanied by another member of the JJpD secretariat, Juan Vacas, Rodríguez has assured that the president of the Senate has also endorsed this concern regarding the body of the judges and has said that Gil has told them that he will continue to “insist” every week to the parties in the Board of Spokesmen so that they comply with the “obligation” to renew the CGPJ.

The association of judges has asked Gil to take the initiative to renew the General Council of the Judiciary, after seeing that possibility frustrated by the suspension of negotiations between PSOE and PP.

On September 30, JJpD did the same in a meeting in Congress with Meritxell Batet, to which he reminded that based on article 568.1 of the Organic Law of the Judiciary (LOPJ), “the presidents of the Congress of Deputies and of the Senate must adopt the necessary measures so that the renewal of the Council occurs on time”, which expired on December 4, 2018.

Asked if he trusts that the parties will resume talks on the CGPJ before the 2023 elections, Rodríguez has stated that the parliamentary groups, both in Congress and the Senate, have the “responsibility” to do so, because “there is no need for a new legislature to fulfill a mandate of the Constitution”.

“The initiative for renewal in this legislature cannot be considered exhausted, among other things because what happens in the following elections is not a guarantee that there will be a change. We can be in a similar situation of blockade, whoever governs “, has held.

At the same time, JJpD has stressed that his will is to continue reminding “whoever is necessary” that this situation cannot continue over time.