He affirms that there are leaders on the left who prefer to maintain the ‘status quo’, without specifying who he is referring to


The President of the Government, and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, has described as “political hooliganism” the row experienced this Wednesday in Congress in which a Vox deputy stated that the sole merit of the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, It is “having studied in depth” Pablo Iglesias, his partner and founder of Podemos. She has also included the PP in this qualifier.

Thus, he has pointed out that the day before “we saw a new case of political hooliganism”, in reference to this episode precipitated by the intervention of the Vox deputy Carla Toscano, and has pointed out that both the right and the ultra-right are accustomed to the “insults, disqualifications, no proposal and only the blockade for the blockade”.

Sánchez expressed himself in this way during his speech at the opening of the Presidium of the YUSI, the international organization of socialist youth, which is being held at the PSOE headquarters on Calle Ferraz as a prelude to the XXVI Congress of the Socialist International that will be elected this weekend to Sánchez as the new president.

On the contrary, he has assured, what the PSOE has to do is reaffirm its “useful” policy and has stressed that this afternoon in the Congress of Deputies new General State Budgets and taxes will be approved so that “those who more have more help”. He has also indicated that they claim “coexistence” as a fundamental factor for “the development and consolidation” of democracy.

On the other hand, Sánchez has stated that “always the right and sometimes unfortunately in some leaders of the left there are leaders that little less than maintain the status quo” he has indicated without specifying who he was referring to.

He thinks that things do not change because “they are annoying” or because they imply “having to roll up their sleeves and talk to each other to elicit majorities in favor of those changes”, as he has expressed.

Along these lines, he has defended that he defines himself as a person who “loves change and works for change”, at the same time that he has assured that he will give a “180 degree” change to the Socialist International.

Finally, he has indicated that despite the failure of neoliberalism after the 2008 crisis, there are other ideologies that can confront social democracy and he has given the examples of former presidents Donald Trump in the United States and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.

In this regard, addressing the youth of the organization who were in the auditorium, he indicated that it is everyone’s task to “build new utopias” and “new causes that mobilize citizens” around social democracy, among which he mentioned social justice, equality between men and women and respect for the environment.