The general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, stressed this Wednesday that the party’s path is moderation and has assured that this is compatible with the firmness to denounce the “outrages” that the Government of Pedro Sánchez is committing. “That is not twitching, it is doing the work as an alternative that we are to the Executive”, he has defended.

In these terms, the ‘popular’ leader has expressed himself in an interview on Onda Cero, collected by Europa Press, when asked about the extent to which to choose between the moderate path with which Feijóo debuted or the radical one that other people seem to suggest. in the PP it is paralyzing the leader of the opposition and is generating dangerous uncertainty for the PP.

“Moderation is compatible with firmness and we are going to be firm in denouncing the outrages that the Government is committing,” said the general coordinator of the PP, at the same time that he has assured that Feijóo is a “moderate and centrist” politician who, In his words, he has been working in Galicia understanding that more is achieved through dialogue than through confrontation.

“That does not mean that we are not firm, because we are,” said Bendodo, who has insisted that with “forcefulness” they will denounce that they are against the abolition of the crime of sedition, of the law of ‘only yes is yes’ ‘, of the cheapening of the embezzlement and the “lie” on the part of the Ministry of the Interior in the events related to the fence of Melilla. “We are not going to let a single one go by,” he warned.

Likewise, Bendodo has taken the opportunity to highlight that Feijóo has “very clear ideas”. “The official source of the PP is the president and the Management Committee. The president has clear ideas and when they say the PP, the PP is him,” he emphasized, at the same time that he has assured that the party rejects the strategy of aggressiveness and are “just the opposite”.

In this key, Bendodo has maintained that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “has touched the morale of the Spanish” by agreeing with the independentistas and with Bildu. And, straight away, he has rejected the Executive’s thesis that the situation in Catalonia has improved since 2017: “The conflict has not disappeared, the Government has given in and if you give me what I ask for, well, we have other ways of understanding each other “.

Of course, he has assured that “the blackmailer is never satisfied with the first payment”, at the same time that he has warned that Bildu is not going to settle for the disappearance of the Civil Guard of Navarra.

Regarding the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Bendodo has assured that “it is a value that adds to the PP” and that this is something that she knows from the president. “We work together with her in that direction,” he assured.

In addition, he has pointed out that in the PP the Ayuso model is “compatible” with that of the Andalusian baron, Juanma Moreno. “The PP is not a monilitic party, the leadership that each baron makes in each autonomous government is compatible because together they enrich the project”, she has settled.

In relation to the controversy that revolves around the mayoress of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, the Andalusian leader has criticized that “trying to add firewood” to this matter and has pointed out that “nothing suggests” that the also senator is not going to to be the candidate for mayor of the town in the next municipal elections in May.

“Yesterday the National Court spoke clearly and said that neither the City Council nor the mayoress have anything to do with this issue,” Bendodo defended, referring to the process that the husband of the mayor and one of his sons are going through for money laundering. .

Thus, it has transferred the support of the PP in its municipal work. “She tells me that everything is very clear and the judges will speak,” she added, while she has assured that she is in a position to demonstrate that all her assets have a legal origin.