Eva Granados accuses Feijóo of “setting fire” with his motion to reverse the yes is yes law and calls on him to make proposals to the Government


The PSOE spokesperson in the Senate, Eva Granados, has ruled out that any socialist parliamentarian, both in Congress and in the Upper House, is going to break the voting discipline in the reform of the Penal Code to repeal the crime of sedition, as is claiming the PP to the Aragonese and Castilian La Mancha deputies and senators.

“It will not happen, because all the senators and deputies know that the issue of the crime of sedition was on the Government’s legislative table. We socialist representatives know that we are part of a collective project,” Eva Granados defended in an interview with the RNE program ‘Parliament’, picked up by Europa Press, when asked if this possibility exists.

Precisely, the PP has asked the national parliamentarians of Aragon and Castilla-La Mancha to ‘rebel’ against Ferraz and end up rejecting this reform of the Criminal Code after criticism from Javier Lambán and Emiliano García-Page.

Regarding the deadlines for this processing, Eva Granados sees it as “possible” that it ends up being definitively approved in the Senate before the end of the year, although she has not closed the door on being able to enable the month of January to carry it out.

The parliamentary spokesperson for the PSOE has also ruled on the controversy with the Law on Sexual Freedom, known as the law of ‘it is only yes is yes’, after the reduction of various sentences, appealing to “prudence” and, following in the wake of Pedro Sánchez, has opted to wait for the Prosecutor’s Office to adopt doctrine.

In any case, he has disdained the motion that the PP brings to the Senate Plenary to force the Government to review the ‘only yes is yes’ law, accusing the ‘popular’ leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, of “setting fire” with this initiative .

“If the PP is concerned about the literalness of the law, the logical thing is that it should speak with the Government and make proposals for a solution,” added Eva Granados.