The Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has avoided arguing with former Vice President Pablo Iglesias, after his message on the networks in which he qualified that “putting oneself in profile” when “a colleague is crushed”, in reference to the Minister of Equality Irene Montero , “he is not only miserable and cowardly, but politically stupid.”

The second vice president was asked during a visit to Elche if she had read that tweet from Iglesias and if she felt alluded to, to which she simply replied that she was “delighted” to be in the Carrus neighborhood of the city of Elche and, in Specifically, to attend the Francesc Cantó civic center to meet with the sideboard sector.

In fact, Díaz has praised the work and the struggle of this group of women in favor of their labor rights, while some of the people who awaited his arrival have received him shouting “president”.

This morning, the head of Labor has asked not to generate “social alarm” with the consequences that are being seen of the application of the Law of ‘only yes is yes’ and has avoided ruling on the attacks that Podemos has launched against judges. Of course, she has stressed that the regulations are of “extraordinary importance for the country” and has appealed to prudence.

Following his words and other assessments by members of United We Can on this controversy that have occurred today, Iglesias has denounced the “hunt” against Equality and has ruled that the “judicial right” is a “political actor”.

“Putting yourself in profile when a colleague is crushed is not only miserable and cowardly, but politically stupid,” he launched generically and without making any specific mention. The co-founder of Podemos Juan Carlos Monedero has expressed a similar opinion on networks, criticizing that the right “is cheating to hit Podemos” while “sadly” there are “inexplicable silences.”

Yesterday, the former leader of the purple formation also considered that a part of the Executive showed “cowardice” by not defending the law and the head of Equality, unlike what the president of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, had done.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for Unidas Podemos in Congress, Pablo Echenique, has rejected that the ‘Law of only yes is yes’ requires modifications and has stressed that the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, is defending, under “very difficult” conditions, all government work

In addition, he stressed that when the head of Equality is being “attacked with such viciousness”, who has made progress for feminism, a “good strategy” and something “sensible” within the left is to wrap up “comrades “, against those who want to “stop political change”.

Meanwhile, the general secretary of the PCE and leader of the IU, Enrique Santiago, has criticized that several judicial associations have demanded the resignation of the Minister of Equality after criticizing the judges who have reduced sentences for those convicted with the implementation of the Law of ‘only yes is yes’.

A position that has also been endorsed by the president of the United Podemos parliamentary group, Jaume Asens, to make ugly these groups that do not have the legitimacy to request dismissals as long as they continue to endorse an “expired” Judiciary.