Esteban says that Minister Montero should “moderate in her statements and not turn everything into a kind of ideological battle”


The PNV spokesman in Congress, Aitor Esteban, believes that the ‘yes is yes’ Law should be amended, to correct it if it has not been done “adequately” and that there is no room for the Judiciary to reduce sentences, without stubbornly that all the judges are “macho”. Given the requests for dismissal from the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, she believes that what she should do is “moderate in her statements and not turn everything into some kind of ideological battle.”

Esteban has made these statements, in an interview with RNE, collected by Europa Press, after the downward revisions of sentences that different courts are carrying out after the entry into force of the Law of Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom, known as law of ‘only yes is yes’.

The spokesman for the Vassco Group in the lower house has considered that reforming the ‘yes is yes’ Law must now be “seriously” considered, and has indicated that the statements by the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, to the regard.

The Jelzale leader has indicated that, given the application of the Law by “many” courts, “there is a lack” of a transitory provision that would clarify “what was going to happen.” “There is a new criminal type, it gets more complicated because criminal types that were differentiated are annulled, a new broader criminal type is created and the logical thing would be to think that, especially in crimes with less punishment, that if they fell within the fork penalty that had also been imposed with this new offence, a reduction was not going to be applied automatically”, he added.

However, he has pointed out that this “is not happening like this in many cases”. “Therefore, I believe that it would be appropriate to retouch the Law. It is true that it could be done through a unification of criteria by the Supreme Court, but when is this going to happen?” He asked himself.

For this reason, he has reiterated that, if necessary, it is necessary to “acknowledge that there has been a mistake on the part of Parliament in not having provided for a transitory measure that would not leave room for interpretation to the judges.”

“I think it was evident that there was a social call to make a modification, but there is also a Ministry that is the one that prepares the proposal. There we already know the tensions that existed, even with accusations by Minister Montero (UP) to the minister Campo (PSOE) to resort to technicalities, etc, to, according to her, try to prevent the presentation of the Law”, she recalled.

For Aitor Esteban, sometimes, in some ministries, especially those of Podemos, there is a “rush to do things”, as also happened with the Minimum Vital Income (IMV). In his opinion, “perhaps we should think about the Law a little more time and a little more coldly.”

“With that I do not mean that there is a specific and personal guilt here, because in the end this Law was carried out with the vote of all, because we saw that there was a social need. In the end, we saw that a change in the law was necessary and we thought that the Government had adjusted it better”, he stated.

For this reason, after admitting that “this transitory provision was missing”, he said that “stubbornly saying that this is a lack of education in these terms of the judges, as if all judges were sexist, does not make any sense”.

“The best thing is that the legislature does not leave the option to make this type of decision to that judge who actually is. Therefore, I think it is worth a reflection among all and, if it has not been done properly , correct it,” he stressed.

As for Irene Montero’s requests for dismissal, he believes that the minister should “moderate in her statements and not turn everything into a kind of ideological battle.” “We are going to see how all this evolves,” she indicated, to consider that, in addition, this matter will mean greater internal tension in the Executive between the PSOE and United We Can.