The Government has approved the Royal Decree that defines the National Security Scheme in 5G Networks – which is contemplated in the Royal Decree Law on 5G Cybersecurity – in the Council of Ministers this Tuesday, as reported by the Minister for Digital Transformation and from the Public Service, José Luis Escrivá.

The minister highlighted that 5G networks involve the channeling of an “enormous” volume of data and also the creation of new services, which is why he underlined the need to give greater importance to their security and cybersecurity.

“This puts the focus, the emphasis, on cybersecurity and the security that all this transmission (of information) and this data transit through the networks must have, and that is especially relevant in facilities, in particularly critical locations from the point of view of national security, of economic security. Let’s think, for example, of a nuclear power plant,” stressed the head of Digital Transformation.

In this context, Escrivá explained that the new National 5G Network Security Scheme regulates and establishes the characteristics that all the elements that are part of this type of connections must meet.

This is a standard that describes the procedures, certifications and security schemes that operators must carry out to comply with 5G cybersecurity risk management obligations, particularly in those facilities that are especially important for national security.

In addition, it includes the mitigation measures for these risks that operators must carry out and diversification strategies.

Along these lines, the minister has highlighted that the digital transition will be “much less effective” and its deployment “more limited” if there are deficiencies in terms of the security that accompanies this entire process.

“That is why the emphasis on cybersecurity, in this case in what are 5G networks, is particularly important,” Escrivá added in his speech at the press conference after the Council of Ministers this Tuesday.

Furthermore, he recalled that the Government has promoted the creation of the National 5G Operations Center, facilities that Escrivá has called pioneers in Europe and that have had an investment of 15 million euros from European funds.

Among the tasks of this body are the acquisition of capabilities in 5G cybersecurity, supervision and guarantee that the security measures included in the new national security scheme are implemented, determining the criticality of the elements of the 5G infrastructure and developing improvement proposals to increase monitoring and defense in 5G networks.

Added to this is the development of R&D capabilities in terms of security and guaranteeing adequate response capacity to 5G cybersecurity incidents.