The former president of the United States, Donald Trump, has detailed this Monday that he plans to make a “very important announcement” on November 15 at his residence in Florida in Mar-a-Lago, all this amid growing speculation about a possible re-candidacy for the Presidency.

“I am going to make a big announcement on Tuesday, November 15 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida,” Trump said during a rally in the state of Ohio, where he was campaigning for the mid-term elections, which will be celebrate this Tuesday, according to ‘The Hill’.

“We don’t want anything to distract us from the importance of tomorrow,” stressed the American tycoon, justifying the reason why he delayed the day to make the “very important announcement.”

Last week, sources familiar with Trump’s entourage confessed to CNN that Trump’s senior advisers were talking about the third week of November as an ideal time to launch his 2024 presidential campaign, as long as the Republicans perform well in mid-term elections.

The former US president has been hinting at a possible candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections for several days.

In fact, on Sunday he made fun of the Republican Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, using a derogatory nickname against what could be his rival in the primaries to lead the Republican Party.

Likewise, last week at a rally in the state of Iowa, he stated that it was “probable that he would do it again”. “And now, to make our country successful and safe and glorious, I will very, very, very likely do it again,” he said.