A macro-survey by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) on voting trends in municipal governments, released this Friday, seven months before the local elections, places the PSOE ahead of all other parties with an advantage over the PP of three points in general and six in municipal.
Specifically, his estimate of the vote in a general election gives the PSOE a percentage of support of 32.9% compared to 29.5% for the PP, 11.5% for United We Can and 9.3% for Vox.
And in a scenario of municipal elections, the PSOE remains with a vote estimate of 32.8%, while the PP drops to 26.8%, United We Can to 8.7% and Vox to 5.9%, winning force other extraparliamentary parties that would add 9.4% in all of Spain.
The study is based on 5,557 telephone interviews with voters from 1,488 municipalities in the 50 provinces, between October 11 and 26. The field work began on the eve of the National Holiday and coincided with the second debate between the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the Senate, and ended with the first day of the full debate of the Budgets in Congress.