Berlusconi assures that there are no real leaders in the West. “The only true leader is me,” he says


Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has stated that he does not see it possible for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zelensky, to sit down at a negotiating table, emphasizing in particular that the Ukrainian side has tripled attacks on the Donbas region since the signing of the Minsk agreement.

In a second audio filtered this Wednesday by the newspaper ‘LaPresse’, the leader of Fuerza Italia asks for “confidentiality” before specifying that Ukraine breached the agreement signed in Minsk between the parties and “began to attack the borders of the two republics” in the Donbas region.

“The two republics suffer victims among the soldiers who arrive, they tell me, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 dead. Zelensky arrives: he triples the attacks on the two republics,” Berlusconi stressed, after describing what was subsequently sent a delegation to Moscow to speak with the Russian president.

Berlusconi has stressed that, faced with “strong pressure from all of Russia”, Putin decides to “invent a special operation” to enter Ukraine with his troops and depose the Ukrainian government, as well as its president, in less than a week.

“He entered the Ukraine and found himself faced with an unexpected and unpredictable situation of resistance from the Ukrainians, who on the third day began to receive money and weapons from the West. And the war, instead of being a two-week operation, has been turned into a two-and-a-half-year war,” he stressed.

In this sense, Berlusconi has assured that there are no true leaders in the West, neither in Europe nor in the United States. “The only true leader is me”, he has sentenced, adding that what is needed is a “strong intervention” to end the war.

After the leak of the audio, sources from the Brothers of Italy party have told the AndKronos news agency that they are “worrying words”. “It’s a problem for Fuerza Italia. The more unreliable they are, the less space they will have,” the source said.

Berlusconi has starred this Wednesday in another controversial episode in Italy after the leak of a first audio in which he assured that Putin is “a person of peace and good sense” with whom he has even recently been sharing gifts.

The renewed rapprochement between the two leaders has become clear when Berluconi has recounted that Putin sent him twenty bottles and a “very nice” letter on the occasion of his birthday, on September 29, and in response he sent him as many bottles of lambrusco wine and a letter “just as sweet”.

Berlusconi’s statements show the closeness of the European extreme right with President Putin, while the extreme right Giorgia Meloni tries to camouflage those pro-Russian postulates known among some of his partners, such as the new president of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana.

In the other partner of the future government coalition, the League, the confessions of the former prime minister would have surprised, however. The leader of this formation, Matteo Salvini, has expressed his astonishment in a meeting with the League executive, according to the AdnKronos agency.