The King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz, assured this Sunday that his country is interested in the situation of the international oil market remaining “stable and balanced”.

Salman has announced that Saudi Arabia is making an effort, “within its energy strategy, to support the stability and balance of the world oil market”, as indicated in a speech before the Shura Council – an influential body that advises the king — collected by the Saudi Gazette.

Regarding economic matters, the Saudi king has pointed to the economic boom as a result of the political measures put into operation: “The kingdom is moving at an accelerated pace to counteract environmental challenges, in particular climate change.”

In this sense, he celebrated that Riyadh has been able to “reduce the effects of inflation (…), thanks to its monetary, financial and economic policies.”

The monarch, accompanied by the crown prince and prime minister Mohamed bin Salmán, has highlighted the role in foreign policy regarding the war in Ukraine. The aforementioned media reports that Salman has underlined the need to reactivate dialogue to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Thus, Salman has addressed several international issues, among which the case of Iran or the conflicts in Yemen and Palestine stand out.

In addition, he has urged Iran to “urgently comply with its nuclear obligations and cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Finally, Salman has expressed that he hopes “that the truce negotiated by the UN in Yemen will lead to a political solution and the end of the crisis”, while he has indicated that it is “essential” to find a “just and comprehensive” solution to the Palestinian problem. “.