He assures that Sánchez’s debates with Feijóo “will be frequent” so that citizens know what the Government is doing


The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, today asked United We Can to focus on “what is important” and sees the debate on whether or not they were informed of the 25.8 percent increase in the Defense Budget for 2023.

This has been stated in the corridors of the Senate when asked about the anger of the purple party for not having been informed during the negotiation of the General State Budgets of this decision of the socialist part of the Government.

“It would be very convenient for us to focus on what is important,” he exclaimed, adding that this is that the budgets are “very good” for citizens and therefore, he said, “very bad for the right and the PP.”

He has insisted that what matters is that next year’s accounts “are going to greatly improve the lives of people, of young people with the cultural and rental bonus; of pensioners, with the increase in the pension; of users of public transport, of the self-employed with tax reductions and of companies with a turnover of less than one million euros.

Therefore, he has insisted that these budgets are “very good for citizens” and has asked “not to focus the debate on other things that may be ancillary.”

The Minister of the Presidency did not want to comment on whether in the debate between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the Senate on October 18, the opposition leader should be given more time than in the last debate between them.

In this sense, he has indicated that this issue corresponds to the Senate Board and the President of the Upper House. “I do not hide from you that we are delighted to discuss”, he exclaimed immediately.

According to Bolaños, “the more the Government’s project to benefit the country’s large social majorities is known and the more Feijóo is known and the nothingness that his project represents for Spain, we are delighted.”

For this reason, he pointed out that “these debates are going to be frequent” and they are going to be, he added, “very interesting” so that the Spanish know what the Government is doing and know “what Mr. Feijóo does not offer”.