Inflation and the energy crisis will monopolize the first control session of the Government in the Plenary Session of the Congress of Deputies after the return to parliamentary activity due to the summer break, which will take place next Wednesday. These are the issues that not only the large opposition groups want to focus their attention on, but also partners of the Executive, such as the ERC, the PNV and EH Bildu.

The parliamentary spokesperson for the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has opted for a generic question, but it will give her the opportunity to expand on the economic situation. Specifically, she will address President Pedro Sánchez, to ask him “if the Government takes care of the needs of the Spanish people.”

On his side, the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, will ask Sánchez if “he is still committed to maintaining climate legislation that prevents the exploitation of resources in the midst of an energy crisis.” This week, his formation has presented a bill to reform the Climate Change Law and allow the exploitation of uranium and hydrocarbon mines.

The members of the Executive are also interested in measures against inflation. Specifically, the ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufián, has registered the following question for Sánchez: “Does the Government believe that it is taking sufficient measures to help the people who are having the worst time?”

For the Vice President of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, three questions have been registered. In the case of the ‘popular’, the general secretary of the parliamentary group, Carlos Rojas, wants him to confess if “he really believes that inflation has begun to moderate”, while the Vox spokesman, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, He wants me to clarify if he thinks that the Spaniards trust his economic policy.

On behalf of EH-Bildu, Oskar Matute wants Calviño to advance what measures the Government intends to adopt “to mitigate the consequences for citizens that the new rate hike will have, up to 1.25%, carried out by the European Central Bank (ECB). )”.

Before the holiday break, last June, Matute and Calviño staged another duel, this in the form of an urgent interpellation on account of the consequences of the rate hike, during which the economic vice president anticipated a “relatively limited” impact.

In energy matters, the ‘popular’ deputy Juan Diego Requena will try to get Vice President Teresa Ribera to explain to him whether he is going to “rectify” the mechanism of the cap on gas, the so-called ‘Iberian exception’, “to avoid its negative effects”, while that Idoia Sagastizabal, of the PNV, is interested in the ways that the Government contemplates to “improve productivity and optimize green energies.”

From Vox they will also demand “concrete measures to solve Spain’s position in energy matters and provide a solution to the ruin of the Spanish”, and for this they have registered an urgent question that will give rise to a motion that will be voted on in plenary session of the week Next.

Who will not have questions in the control will be the Vice President of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, who has reported absence due to her attendance at the meeting of her G-20 counterparts. They have also advanced that the heads of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, cannot attend Congress on Wednesday; Defense, Margarita Robles, and Territorial Policy and spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez.

Although Yolanda Díaz will not be there, her proposal to limit the price of basic products will be discussed in plenary, since the PP wants to summon the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, to pronounce on it.

“Do you consider that the proposal of the second vice president to cap the price of consumer products contributes to improving the balance in the food chain?”, is the question that the ‘popular’ Celso Luis Delgado directs to Planas.

In fiscal matters, the Vox parliamentary group has registered a question for the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, to demand lower taxes.

Finally, the PP will address another question to the Government on the advances in the development of the Electric and Connected Vehicle Perte and its impact on a strategic sector for the Spanish economy.

As a result of this interpellation, the PP will force a vote on this matter through a motion that will be debated in the next plenary session of the Lower House.