The former CUP deputy surrendered to the high court last July after spending four years on the run in Switzerland


The magistrate of the Supreme Court (TS) Pablo Llarena has summoned the former CUP deputy Anna Gabriel to testify this Wednesday, at 11:30 a.m., as being prosecuted for a crime of disobedience for her possible involvement in the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (DUI) of Catalonia.

The summons takes place after Gabriel surrendered to the High Court on July 19, after spending four years on the run in Switzerland after being prosecuted in 2018 for his alleged participation in the DUI.

Before Gabriel’s decision to go personally to the Supreme this summer, the judge in charge of the investigation of the ‘procés’ annulled the declaration of rebellion that weighed on the former deputy. On that occasion, he agreed to release her and advanced that he would summon her to take her statement.

Gabriel was prosecuted for disobedience, but there was no European or international arrest and surrender warrant against her because said crime does not carry a prison sentence, only a fine of up to one year and special disqualification from employment or public office of up to two years. duration.

However, there was a national arrest warrant to be placed at the disposal of the Supreme Court with the objective, precisely, of taking a statement given the legal impossibility of continuing the procedure against him without having heard him first.

After surrendering, Llarena also agreed to rescind “the search, arrest and presentation” ordered against Gabriel at the national level, while warning that he has the obligation to “appear as many times as he is called.”

In addition, he ordered her to leave an address and a telephone number where she could be reached “immediately”, “with the warning that any breach of the imposed obligations would entail the modification of her personal situation.”

It so happens that Gabriel took this step with his new lawyer, Iñigo Iruín Sanz, the same one who accompanied the former Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Meritxell Serret in March 2021 so that she would also surrender to the Supreme Court, from from Brussels, where he had been since October 2017.

In her case, she was also prosecuted for the DUI but for alleged crimes of embezzlement of public funds and disobedience, and a national arrest warrant weighed against her to take her statement.