The Government spokesperson and Minister of Territorial Policy, Isabel Rodríguez, has reproached the Popular Party that to comply with the law it is not necessary to send letters or request meetings and has reproached her for “putting the functioning of Justice at risk” with her attitude.

The spokeswoman for the Executive has expressed herself in statements to the media in relation to the letter sent by the PP’s Deputy Secretary for Institutions, Esteban González Pons, to the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, in which he offers the Government to renew the General Council of the Judicial Power (CGPJ), which has expired for almost four years, and then undertake the reform of the system for electing its members, based on a proposal prepared by the new CGPJ.

“He lies to the public when he dedicates himself to writing a letter saying that he intends to dialogue, to agree, when for this he does not need to write anything,” emphasized the minister, while specifying that, for this, you just need to read article 122 of the Spanish Constitution and comply with it.

Thus, Rodríguez has described as “unbearable” that the main opposition party “remains in constitutional rebellion” putting, in turn, at risk the “Constitution, the prestige of the Spanish Justice and the functioning” of it.

In relation to last Tuesday’s debate in the Senate in which the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and Feijóo staged a face-to-face meeting requested by the leader of the PP, the minister accused him of “lying” by showing a document of proposals and not having sent it four days later to Moncloa.

“Not only do we have an obstructionist, denialist PP, but he is also a PP and a leader who is lying to the citizenry (…) He said he had a document, the only thing we saw of that document was its cover. I don’t know if They are coloring it, writing it,” slipped the spokeswoman for the Executive.

However, he has asked the leader of the opposition to dedicate the people he has in Genoa “to writing the energy proposal because nothing is required to comply with the Constitution.”

“That the PP return to the place that is expected, which is the place of the State’s sense of responsibility. There is no excuse to comply with the Constitution,” he settled.