Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, Dimitro Kuleba, has denied that kyiv did not take seriously the reports from the US intelligence services warning of the possibility of a Russian invasion.

“Ukraine took very seriously the information received in October by US intelligence about the preparation of a new invasion by Russia,” Kuleba said on state television on Monday night.

However, he has stated that before the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, announced the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, there were several European partners who did not believe that a war would start.

Kuleba has recounted that during the Munich Security Conference that was held just days before the invasion, several G7 foreign ministers approached him to say that they did not believe there would be “a big war.”

“These attempts now to build a certain narrative that everyone believed one thing and only Ukraine did not is false. In fact, this did not happen. It is just that the responsibility on us was much greater,” he explained.

Kuleba has said that when they began to receive the first reports from Washington about the possibility of a large-scale conflict in October 2021, the Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelensky, instructed him to develop “an action plan”, which ended up being based on in three points: “active diplomacy for détente, preparation of sanctions and supply of arms”.

“This happened in October 2021. So when someone starts telling stories that we ignore them or don’t prepare, it’s just manipulation and a way to take facts out of context,” Kuleba insisted.