He reminds the president of the PP that the jetfoils, which he advised for Sánchez’s displacement to La Palma, ceased to be used in 2005


The spokeswoman for the PSOE, Pilar Alegría, has today refused to regulate the use of the Falcon that has been proposed by the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and has accused him of preferring the yachts and planes of millionaire friends. She has also criticized him for not knowing that the jetfoil, which operated in the Canary Islands, stopped doing so in 2005.

The socialist leader and Minister of Education thus responded to the proposal announced by Feijóo this past weekend in an interview with Europa Press to regulate the use of the aforementioned means of transport used by both the president and other members of the Government. In fact, she has promised not to use it for political acts of her party if it reaches the Moncloa Palace and has advanced that her ministers will have to follow a protocol that limits its use.

Pilar Alegría has valued these statements by the leader of the opposition and has exclaimed: “When there are no ideas, there is no project, populism and demagogy give way.”

He then went on the attack and specified that “all Spaniards” know that “Feijóo has always liked yachts or planes that were financed by some millionaire friend of his.”

In this sense, he has also asked the leader of the opposition to know the different means of transport in this country before issuing an opinion because, he recalled, before he was president of Galicia, they had already stopped using the jetfoils that united the Canary Islands until 2005.

Pilar Alegría was thus referring to the criticism that Feijóo has leveled against Sánchez for traveling in Falcon from Lanzarote, where he spent his holidays, to the island of La Palma last week, when he could have used other means such as the ferry. “If I’m in Lanzarote, I can take a jetfoil to go to another island. I don’t need the Falcon from Madrid to come pick me up,” Feijóo proclaimed.