The Ministry of the Interior will allocate one million euros in 2022 so that the associations and foundations of victims of terrorism can pay for their activities. The budget has increased by 40,000 euros, 4.1 percent more than a year ago and 7.5 percent when compared to 2018, the first year of the Pedro Sánchez government.
As explained by Interior in a statement, these subsidies will reach one million euros for the first time, in accordance with Law 29/2011, of September 22, on the Recognition and Comprehensive Protection of Victims of Terrorism in attention to the social work that they perform.
Of the total budget credit allocated for these purposes, 344,695 euros have been allocated to operating expenses of the entities; 333,287 euros to finance awareness programs, and 322,018 euros to defray psychological, social and legal support work carried out as a complement to the action carried out by the Ministry of the Interior in these areas.
The objective of this public aid is to guarantee the functioning of the representative entities of the victims of terrorism, as well as to finance their information and social awareness programs against terrorism and the preservation of their memory and to defray those of direct assistance to the victims of terrorism and their relatives, aimed at attending to their social, work, psychological, health or legal-criminal needs and those of their families.
The budget increase has made it possible to increase the number of entities benefiting from this aid, which has gone from 14 in 2021 to 17 this year. In addition, 56 programs have received subsidies compared to 51 last year.
Interior highlights that since these annual calls began in 2004, the Ministry has allocated more than 15 million euros to this type of grant.