The Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, stressed that “the intelligence services always act in accordance with the law” after being asked if the controversy over espionage with Pegasus is settled with the replacement of the director of the CNI.

This has been stated in statements to TVE, collected by Europa Press, in which he wanted to give value to the activity of the intelligence services, which he has described as “example”, in addition to affirming that he feels “proud” both of the Armed Forces and the CNI.

Robles has participated in the massive parade in Huesca for the Day of the Armed Forces, of which he has highlighted that it is “a day of satisfaction because after two years it is the manifestation that normality is being recovered in daily life”.

“These have been very important years for the Armed Forces and they have always been with the citizens: in the pandemic, in the snowfalls, in the La Palma volcano, bringing the refugees from Afghanistan and bringing aid of all kinds to Ukraine”, has added.

Regarding the increase in public spending on defense, the minister stressed that investing in defense means investing in “peace”, but also in “freedom, democratic values ??and jobs”.

He has also insisted that the government’s position is “clear” and is set by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, “as other European leaders are doing.”

In addition, Robles has confirmed this Saturday the deployment of 100 more soldiers in Latvia in front of the Russian border with the additional dispatch of an anti-missile battery accompanied by a hundred soldiers, which will increase the Spanish presence in the mission of NATO deterrence.

He also highlighted the country’s “total” commitment to NATO, a commitment “for peace, freedom and security.” “We have troops at the moment in Latvia and Lithuania, in addition to the ships in the Mediterranean,” he added in statements to TVE, collected by Europa Press.

Regarding this operation, the minister pointed out that it is “a work of dissuasion and prevention of violence”, while also confirming that the Armed Forces “always” have the “maximum” availability.