-Waters launches new solutions that further simplify the analysis of biologics and cell culture media

News summary:

MILFORD, Mass., Sept. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Waters Corporation (WAT:NYSE) announced new bioprocessing solutions designed to further simplify biological sample preparation and analysis. By eliminating the need to send bioreactor samples to a central laboratory for analysis, the new solutions make it even easier to accelerate bottom-up bioprocess development by up to six weeks compared to traditional methods.i Enabled by automation software updates Waters OneLab™ laboratory technology and new pre-developed analytical workflows, the combination enables bioprocess engineers to capture high-quality bioprocess and pharmaceutical data with just a few clicks.

Waters combines its BioAccord™ liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) system and Waters Andrew™ robot connected via new protocols in OneLab software to create fully integrated, easy-to-use bioprocess solutions. It is designed to enable less experienced LC-MS users to acquire critical quality attributes (CQA) data for the analysis of pharmaceuticals and cell culture media. Capturing data directly in the bioproduction laboratory can help bioprocess engineers improve process understanding, leading to more robust manufacturing processes and accelerated development timelines.

“Waters has made it easier for bioprocess engineers to access valuable analytical and CQA data directly from the bioreactor,” said Jon Pratt, senior vice president, Waters Division. “The integrated combination of pre-developed LC-MS software, automation and analytical workflows eliminates manual steps previously required for sample preparation, injection, data acquisition and transfer. The impact is to reduce human errors and enable process improvements that can ultimately translate into lower downstream manufacturing costs and pharmaceutical product prices for patients.”

Updated OneLab software is the core of Waters’ bioprocess preparation solutions. It incorporates new, previously developed analytical workflows that further simplify the user experience for routine product and process quality measurements of online samples from any bioreactor system.

For users of Sartorius Ambr® multiparallel bioreactors, Waters also provides a software interface to the BioAccord LC-MS system for seamless data transfer. The software interface is compatible with the Sartorius Ambr® 15 and Ambr® 250 high-performance bioreactor systems.

Waters bioprocess walk-up solutions are now available worldwide through Waters.

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Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT), a global leader in analytical software and instruments, has pioneered innovations in chromatography, mass spectrometry, and thermal analysis serving the life, materials, and food sciences for more than 60 years. . With approximately 8,000 employees worldwide, Waters operates directly in 35 countries, including 14 manufacturing facilities, and with products available in more than 100 countries.

Waters, OneLab, BioAccord and Andrew are trademarks of Waters Corporation. With is a registered trademark of Sartorius.


Kevin KempskieSenior Director of PR and Corporate CommunicationsWaters Corporation 1.508.482.2814pr@waters.com

i Bioprocess engineers typically wait 2 to 6 weeks to receive LC-MS sample results from central or outsourced analytical laboratories, according to customers surveyed by Waters; see more details in Evolving Analytics in the Upstream Lab by Using the Power of LC-MS, a Waters/Sartorius webinar, November 30, 2021

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/waters-lanza-nuevas-soluciones-que-simplifican-aun-mas-el-analisis-de-productos-biologicos-301925108.html