Pain in muscles and joints?
I know that it’s not easy for school leaders, barnehageledere and employees to turn over on on everyday life again. You should know that I see what work you have done and do every day! And so I hope that this will be the last major change in this place. Of respect to the children, it is not correct to drive for stricter smittevernregler than necessary.
Because the distribution of korona in Norway is low launches authorities updated smittevernveiledere for schools and kindergartens. In the revised tutors should be introduced a system of color coding which shall provide better opportunity to plan for different scenarios. The new trafikklysmodellen shall apply throughout the fall.
System of “traffic lights” should provide predictability, and more like practice for infection control in schools and nurseries throughout the country. Tutors can be adapted to different smittesituasjoner in the community. For the moment we have now a red tiltaksnivå in schools and kindergartens, but we’re going to yellow after pentecost.
A yellow tiltaksnivå means that enmeterskravet in the classroom will not apply. In practice, this means that a whole class can be collected in the classroom regardless of the size of the room, and that more can get a fulltidstilbud at school.
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Schools plan out from that we also have a yellow tiltaksnivå to fall. It is thus easier to already now plan a good start of the school year.
Even though the kindergartens and schools do not need to keep a meters distance indoors on green and yellow light, still applies enmetersregelen in the rest of the community.
It has been a hard decision to take for the individual principal when he or she has considered whether it should go on smittevernet this spring. This assessment is not their responsibility. It is the responsibility of the health authorities need to take. Now, we this.
The new color-coded system means that the health authorities decide on measures schools should take in use will be in the category of yellow or red or green. System with colour codes shall apply from Tuesday 2. June, but the schools have a week to get everything up to stand. We now have low infection in the community, and the very low infection among children and young people.
Friday will the Norwegian Health directorate and the Education directorate to publish updated smittevernveiledere on their websites. Even though we are approaching June and the summer holidays, we must prepare ourselves for further action when schools starts again in august.
So I know that there are many excited skolestartere and parents out there. Now it seems that we are also in year a start of the school year where students get to meet each other and their teacher the first day of school. There, I’m looking forward to.
Can get three coronabølger for a year
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