Pain in muscles and joints?

the Concerns pile up. The psyche gets jammed. Days go by, weeks go by. We’ll know something more soon?

You know tomhetsfølelsen. Everyday life hits you in the stomach, the colleagues are back at work. You realize that you are waiting alone. You are fighting for a change that no one finds important enough to care about. You are no longer a important resource, you are weak. You sugar and smear you with what little is left of patience.

Ronja Vinneng Show more

We are many employees in the schools in Oslo. Many of us are in risikogruppa. Now it is unfortunately so that the planning for employees are very personavhengig. We miss a standard for how it should be for everyone in the risikogruppa.

the Employees that belong to groups with higher risk of severe course of covid-19 is now considered individually. You must deliver the medical certificate to the employer. Skoleansatte forced to sykmelde. Someone must have leave of absence without pay, because they don’t get sykmelding.

As a union representative I have been in contact with staff at other schools in the capital. I wonder why no one is treated equally. There is no set answer here. All of the schools create internal solutions. No one can give any clear answers. Uncertainty is always present. Here are the standard answers:

1. “I’ll take it further.”

2. “I’ll come back to you”

3. “You will hear from us”


When the schools are closed was it not the case that the employees in the risikogruppa should encounter on the job. All were equally important and all should be arranged for, so that we could stand together in the new life.

These children should be kept at home

Some of us were already set in quarantine for before schools were closed. Not the pga. disease, but because it was smittefare. Even I went to work in march with a lump in the stomach. I was afraid that I would take with me the infection home.

the Teachers had a home office when the schools were closed. At the same time worked other skoleansatte persistently and pass on to the students. Assistants, skilled workers and AKS-employees are taught the best of my ability. Schools were closed, but someone had to look after the children.

When the schools opened again, then there were several of the employees in the risikogruppa who was ordered back to work. Suddenly it was organizing and we’gone again . What happened now with the understanding, care and solidarity?

Some employees have to go across cohorts. They travel collectively to and from work. They are afraid for their own health. This creates concern.

We are in Oslo municipality, are encouraged ever to have a home office, but it is certainly a challenge to implement. All sykmeldes? And for how long? He goes on arbeidsavklaringspenger? What about employees who have children in risikogruppa?

Although I am still at home. I am now using omsorgsdager up to 30. June. Do I need to sykmeldes to continue home schooling with my daughter? Do I have to have leave of absence without pay? The questions are many, but the answers fails.

the municipality of Oslo said that no one should lose his salary. Now it is unfortunately so that more people are experiencing just that. We must keep in mind tilretteleggingsplikten as an employer under the working environment act §4-6. Sick leave may not be the only solution here. It should be the last solution. To the distress, if no other opportunities are there.

Appeal from a concerned mom and teacher Debate

Other skoleansatte shows that it is possible to arrange. Some skoleassistenter at home and work actively over the “Teams”. No, not everyone gets that offer.

A baseleder has been home and has scroll. the team plans to open in the summer and made orders, etc. Why can’t more baseledere get this chance? One can safely make plans at home, read and answer mail and attend meetings of the Teams.

All skoleansatte in the risky position should, like teachers, get offers about the home office. It is my opinion. It is my desire.

We got up early in this crisis is a confirmation that our job is important. We are considered as a criticism of society personnel, will anyone fight for us?

A possible this joke Comment

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