In the points system, it will work up to 62 years of age at least. A challenge. Today, at 60 years, less than one in two French only still has a job.

on Thursday 18 July, after a year of consultation with the social partners, Jean-Paul Delevoye will unveil its “recommendations” for reform of the pension system, expected in 2025, in a peaceful atmosphere. The government has given up on the idea of touching the “settings” of the current system to save money fast, incorporating measures to “work more” in the draft law of financing social security for 2020, discussed in Parliament this autumn. Parked, therefore, the acceleration of the lengthening of the contribution period required for a pension at the full rate. For the time being.

The average age of retirement close to 63-year-old…

In the points system way Delevoye, can be from as early as age 62, as today. This is, in fact, not so easy. Certainly, according to the national Fund for old-age insurance (Cnav) (1), the average age of retirement has reached 62,7 years in the private sector by 2018, but this figure is misleading. It does not reflect the age at which the French stop work, but the one to which they “liquidate” their retirement, meaning that affect their first pension.

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However, “a proportion, a sensitive insured goes through periods of unemployment or inactivity between the time of their final exit from the labour market and (…) the date of the liquidation of their rights,” recalls the Board of direction des retraites (COR), for which “the question of transitions to retirement still needs to be asked”.

… but in 60 years, less than one in two French works

A time to blow their 60 candles, only 42.2% of French are still at work, reveals the labour force survey of the Insee, achieved over the period 2015-2017.

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60 years, 26.6 per cent have already liquidated their rights, and 2.3%, chosen to cumulate employment and retirement. But, almost 29% are not in employment or retired. Among them, 10,1% have left the labour market before their 50 years, but 12% have become “inactive” after. This attests to the purposes of career difficult, wear professional, health problems. Finally, 7.1% of French, 60 years of age point to Pole employment.

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The photograph darkens even at the age of 62. At this age, there is more than 20% of the French who are still working, without counting the 5% that combine pension and employment. 3% are unemployed.

Explosion in the number of older unemployed

on the positive side, pension reforms in the past have shown that the French had adapted. Has proof, the large increase in the employment rate of older. For the 55-60 years, it has increased by fifteen percentage points between 2007 and 2017, up to 75% for men and 69% for women. Beyond 60 years, it has increased, to a lesser extent (+13.5 points), to 28% for men and 29% for women.

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These reforms, conducted while the activity is retracted after the 2008 crisis, have also boosted the unemployment rate of older workers, even if it is lower (6.5% in 2018) than the whole of the active population. From 2008 to 2018, the number of older job seekers has increased… 179% – compared to 21% for the 15-54. And these older workers will feed the battalions of long-term unemployed : 60% of the over 55 years of age are without a job for more than a year, 41% for young people. Few companies are willing to hire fifty and customers.

Consultation on the employment of older workers

The minister of Labour is to take into account this exclusion from the working world of older. In June, Muriel PĂ©nicaud has announced “a consultation with the social partners on the employment of older workers. A few days earlier, in his declaration of general policy, the Prime minister had referred to a future “great plan for the employment of older workers”. Whose calendar is still not clear, despite the emergency.

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(1) for 62.4 for men, 63 years for women.