The Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM), does not see any objections to a short-term, closer co-operation between hospitals, hospital pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesalers with distribution of essential medicines, which are used in the treatment of coronapatiƫnten. That is, the competition commission on Tuesday announced.

The National Coordination centre for Drugs (LCG), one of the authority are asked to look at a possible risk of violation of the rules of the competition, in the allocation of scarce medicines to the hospitals.

It’s going to be fourteen types of drugs used in the intensive care unit and emergency surgeries. According to a spokesperson for the LCG, go to the medications that are covered under the anaesthetic, pain medication, muscle relaxants, and other groups. The specific names of the drugs are not being disclosed.

in The PAST, says any risk of a violation of the law for the co-operation between the parties in the chain are to be expected. The project is only temporary and it is necessary to have national and local shortages of some medicines as much as possible.” As a result of the coronacrisis, the demand for these products has increased significantly.

According to the ACM, are, however, measures have been taken to ensure that the suppliers are not to share information about prices or stock levels. “It is not necessary to prevent any deficiencies.”