The AFPR (action of training prior to recruitment) and the POE (operational preparation for employment) can be prepared by the training, taking a job with an employer who has retained your application. How to use it
Two formulas can be used to prepare for the taking of a position with an employer who has retained your candidature and is ready to recruit you to the end of the training.
This is the AFPR (action of training prior to recruitment) and the POE (operational preparation for employment), individual or collective, both managed by the Pôle emploi, the second with the financing of the OPCA. Both of these measures have been at the heart of the various plans of priority training have recently been put in place. Strong of their good results, they should again be first in line for the emergency plan, 500,000 training courses announced by François Hollande on January 18, 2016.
The AFPR (action of training prior to recruitment) is a device created a few years ago by Pôle emploi. The POE (operational preparation for employment) individual (to meet the recruitment needs of a company) and collective (to meet the employment needs of a branch or professional sector) has been created by the social partners in 2009 and recovery in the act training/orientation of the November 24, 2009, the other in the law called “Cherpion” of 28 July 2011 on the development of the co-op, and the security of professional career paths.
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The AFPR (action of training prior to recruitment)
You are a job seeker compensated or not and selected for
an offer of employment (fixed-term contracts of between 6 months and a year, with an interim of at least 6 months, a professional contract of 12 months or less) filed by an employer (private, public or even particular employer) with Pôle emploi.(If the contract of employment is part-time, weekly working time must be at least equal to 20 hours.) your advisor Pole employment, the employer and you have diagnosed a few additional skills to be acquired before being hired.
First condition : the offer of employment must be within the geographical area of job search, as defined by the PPAE (personalised plan for accessing employment).
training Aid . The AFPR allows for the implementation of training in preparation for taking a position (which must occur within nine months after the action in the case of the mission of acting).
It finance in part the costs incurred by the company for a training carried out in-house (tutoring or in-house training center) or in an outside organization that can provide for a short period of immersion in a business distinct from that which is going to recruit you.
The AFPR can support up to 400 hours of training.
The aid paid by Pôle emploi to the company is:
5 euros net per hour of training for training conducted in the company (internal training center or tutoring),for 8 euros net for training completed in an external agency, within the limits of training costs and a maximum duration of 400 hours.
Convention . A “convention AFPR” to which is annexed a “training plan” (signed by the job seeker) is established between the director of the agency Pôle emploi and the future employer stating the objectives of the training, its duration, its location, its financing, the estimated date and the form of hiring. It is proof of registration at a training course (AIS). A guardian is appointed within the company to be your reference as part of the training.
the student’s Status . You can gain access to any such training that you will be compensated by the unemployment insurance scheme or not. You have the status of a trainee of the vocational training remunerated on that basis. You will also benefit from a social protection against accidents at work and occupational diseases.
The AFPR opens right to AFAF (aid for training costs) of Pole employment. No financial contribution may be requested for the cost of the training.
Lack of employment . A balance sheet tripartite (Pole employment, the employer and the job seeker) is systematically established if the hiring does not occur or in the event of employment on terms less favourable than those originally planned. Your advisor Pole employment remains your interlocutor to refresh your PPAE and, where appropriate, find another position.
The POE (operational Preparation for employment)
The POE must allow you to receive training necessary to the acquisition of skills required to perform a job corresponding to a bid submitted by an employer in the private sector (including private individual employers) or public employment centre. It can be individual or collective.
It may be a CDI from a CDD of at least 12 months, including a CUI, a professional contract or a contract of apprenticeship of at least 12 months). If the work contract is part-time, weekly working time must be equal to at least 20 hours.
The POE can be proposed for training pre-qualification prior to a professional contract.
The job must be located in the geographical area in search of employment, as defined by the PPAE (personalised plan for accessing employment).
target Audience . Are affected by the POE, applicants for employment, compensated or not, which may, at the end of the training, to take up the offered job.
Training formalized . To the difference of the AFPR, the training in the framework of the OCB cannot be achieved exclusively by tutoring. The training can be carried out either by a body internal to the company, or by an external organization. A period of mentoring may be provided by the future employer, but in connection only with the training centre. During the training, the job seeker has the status of a trainee of the vocational training paid.
It will be for a duration of 400 hours.
Help of job center . Of assistance paid by the Pôle emploi in the business is :
5 € net per hour for an in-house training,8 € net maximum per hour for external training, or a limit of 3,200 € to 400 hours of training.The assistance is paid at the end of the training and at the earliest on the day of the hiring.
co-financed by the OPCA is possible within the framework of a national convention signed between the OPCA et Pôle emploi.
No financial contribution may be required with the cost of the training. In terms of compensation, you perceive for the Pôle emploi is the Aref (allocation of aid to return to employment-training), or the CSLR (compensation training employment centre).
A portion of the costs (catering, transportation and/or accommodation) can be supported by Pôle emploi within the framework of the Afaf (using the costs associated with the training).
– Deposit offer of employment with the employment by the company that agrees to recruit you after your training ;job center validates the use of the POE after the analysis of the need, in connection with the Opca is it co-finances the POE;
– Development of a training plan specific and customized by the advisor Pole employment and the future employer (a single action or course, location etc.).
– the Signature of a convention in POE between the company, yourself, the employment, the training organisation external to the company and the Opca co-financier (OCB individual may be mono-funded by Pôle emploi, the difference of the POE collective to which the Opca is still associated). The convention sets out the objectives of the training (in a ” training plan annexed), its duration, its methods of financing, the estimated date and the form of hiring. The employer agrees on the anticipated and the monitoring and assessment of the training are carried out by Pôle emploi and the company.
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Lack of employment .A balance sheet tripartite (Pole employment, the employer and the job seeker) is systematically established if the hiring does not occur or in the event of employment on terms less favourable than those originally planned. Your advisor Pole employment remains your interlocutor to refresh your PPAE and, where appropriate, find another position.