So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses Director and acting director of the Bioteknologirådet criticize the Parliament for the premature treatment of the new bioteknologiloven that should be adopted 26. may.

If the legislation is adopted, this will open for egg donation, sæddonasjon to the single, early ultrasound and gentesting of fetuses. It is good that the leaders ask themselves critical to a hasty treatment, but it seems that they forget that it is the Council itself that have contributed to the fact that this now be put on the agenda.

Open to break with the government

In the Aftenposten, they explain why the majority of the Council said yes to that a single mother can be a parent using assisted reproductive technology.

Article reveals a very pragmatic approach detached from principled thinking in the work of the new bills. It has been generous and good discussions, they write, but they render no relevant reflections about what can be allowed is done with a man without having to degrade it to an object and without that we are left with a cynical society.

Bioteknologirådet gives the impression of having support in the research. They show, for example, that there is nothing in the research literature that suggests that children will suffer from growing up in new family constellations.

most readers will think that the research shows that children have just as well no matter what familiekonstellasjon they are growing up in. This is incorrect. The answer is that it is too little research to pull some conclusions.

The Council also seems to forget , is that empirical research does not automatically can be used to draw inference to how a should act. Throughout history, people have searched for the “good” and the “true”, and through it is recognized that there are important principles that can guide us in dealing with our emotions in front of challenging questions.

These principles is, for example, for the reason that we have not introduced the death penalty after 11. July 2011. These are also the reason that we abhor eugenics thoughts. This is why we are also against slavery

all these three examples, one could certainly found some grensetilfeller how the principles look pale in comparison to the gain you will be able to get. It is at such a principle based Bioteknologirådet should have brynet themselves and come with good reflections.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError DIVERGENT OPINIONS: On the Right items in the weekend stands among other surrogacy and egg donation on the agenda. There are divisions within the party in respect of the opinions around the issues. What is it that makes these issues so contentious? The answers you get here. Video: NTB Scanpix / Shutterstock / NTB / Bioteknologirådet Show more

instead put the Council in his opinion great weight on what the norwegians would otherwise obtain in a foreign country.

Based on such criteria r opening for surrogacy to be the next inevitable step, and with it also follows the selection of the desired genetic characteristics of the donors, screening of embryos and the purchase and sale of children. That is to say, when both sæddonasjon to single mothers and egg donation is allowed by law in Norway, and surrogacy is practiced in foreign countries – why should surrogacy be banned in Norway?

We miss a clear Bioteknologiråd which has the ability to go in depth and consider challenging questions in the light of principled ethical thinking. Experience shows that it takes a long time to build up a good society, but that it is easy to tear it down. We don’t need a law that the driver of the uncontrolled experimentation of a society.

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