A fund in euros, very disappointing despite the lightness of the management fee, a financial offer to be insufficient to cover all categories of funds.
At LCL, life insurance is a thicket of contracts. In the lot, LionVie Green Ecuador (series 2), held by 560 000 insured persons, displays a content rather mediocre. Its funds in euros spring to 1.80% in 2015, after a 2.10% in 2014. Disappointing, as management fees are only 0.60% per year. On the funds, risky, plan to 0.80% per annual. The fees on payments to 4 % sliding scale (even up to 2.50 % for eur 150 000 or more paid!), with a miniréduction if they are regular.
Supply of in-house funds
not surprisingly for a bank contract for the general public (entrance ticket of 500 euros), the financial offer, monogestionnaire, is insufficient to cover all categories of funds. Added to this are costs of the arbitration 1 %. Only the option “dynamic performance” is free of charge. A guaranteed floor death is also included and is paid at a maximum rate of 0.30% of the savings!
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life Insurance rates / returns contracts
Two types of life insurance are worth more than a life Insurance : how to earn more life Insurance : what to do in the face of declining rates?
Funds in euros : 1/4
Other funds : 1/4