In the first line, they are afraid to bear the responsibility of a possible failure of the reform of the income tax.
This is from the month of January, that collection at source (PAS) enters into force. A big leap for taxpayers, businesses, but also for officials in the public services mobilized on this occasion. According to Alexandre Derigny, secretary-general CGT federation of finance, they are worried, because he was “going to be a lot of corrections over the water: reports to modify their rates in particular… The exchanges with the tax administration will multiply. Everyone is on the bridge. We asked the agents not to take leave from the 2nd of January.”
“everyone is on the bridge”
To answer all the questions on this big bang tax, the government has put in place a new number, not premium rate, for the 0809 401 401. The staffing has been reinforced. Previously, spread over 3 call centers, 150 agents responded to the questions. They will now be over 700 and should not lie idle. “We expect to see a boom in calls from the 2 of January, because it is at this point that people can change their rate if their situation has changed,” explains Guillaume Inizian, agent of public finances in the call center of Rouen. And it is this rate that the tax administration will send the third party collector a few days later.”
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The telephonic platforms have already been severely stretched from late August to mid-September : they have received 50 000 calls per day, when, according to Guillaume Inizian, the average number is 5000. It was better to take his evil in patience. “You had to call ten times to hope to get someone on the other end of the line”, tells the inspector of taxes in rouen.
good report from the government
The government denies having overlooked this flaw. “Everyone sees that things work, that the agents of the public finances are at the appointment, that the website was not a ‘buggy'”, welcomed on Wednesday morning the minister of public Accounts, Gérald Darmanin, which multiplies the displacements on the ground.
READ ALSO >> Sample source: the answers to your questions
Birth, divorce, change of professional situation… the reasons are many that will lead taxpayers to contact their tax office. Only the pensioners who draw their pensions at the beginning of the month, should see the concrete effects of the reform without delay. The employees see the tangible effects on their payroll, at the end of the month.
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Collection of tax at source
Lower income : – take the lead with the tax deduction at source : 9 million households will affect advances, tax credits, tax Reductions and credits : some taxpayers will receive an advance on the 15th of January
In case of error, that will have been surprélèvements may request to the tax administration. A ticking time bomb, denounces the CGT. “Let’s say that the employer is wrong, but regulates the following month. If the user has placed a claim in the meantime, the tax authorities must verify. This will require a follow-up near-daily protests, alarmed by Guillaume Inizian. It is feared that the agents are seen as those due to which the reform does not work.” The context of ras-le-bol fiscal, carried by the yellow vests, is not done to reassure them.